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球迷眼中,他是一个阳光帅哥;队友眼中,他是一个做事很认真的队长;教练眼中,他是一个把球队利益放在首位的拼命三郎;记者眼中.他是一个有着许许多多故事的足球男儿;朋友眼中,他是一个为人爽快、耿直的汉子;母亲眼中,他是相依为命的家中顶梁柱。这就是李玮锋,这就是“大头”。金秋十月,本刊记者有幸在风景宜人的南昌滕王阁采访了这位身兼国家队和深圳队队长的北方汉子,同时将最新的《足球俱乐部》赠送给他,并转达了读者们对他的问候。江西球迷与众不同记者(下文简称记):首先代表广大球迷欢迎你来南昌。江西的球迷一直对你很推崇,你一到南昌就有100多位球迷在机场欢迎你,对江西球迷们说些什么吧!李玮锋(下文简称李):都晚上12点多钟了,还有那么多球迷来迎接我,除了惊讶更多的是感动,江西球迷出乎意料的热情。我会加倍地努力,来回报所有喜爱我的球迷。我想我还会有机会来江西、来南昌的,不过我希 In the eyes of the fans, he is a handsome guy; teammate in the eyes of him, he is a very serious captain; coaching eyes, he is the team’s interests in the first place Saburo; reporter eyes .He is a story with many Soccer man; friends, he is a man refreshing, upright man; mother’s eyes, he is dependent on each other’s homestay. This is Weifeng, this is “bulk ”. In the autumn of October, our reporter had the honor of interviewing the northern man who is both the national team and the captain of Shenzhen team in the pleasant scenery of Nanchang Tengwang Pavilion. At the same time, he presented the latest “Football Club” to him and conveyed the readers’ Greetings. Jiangxi fans unique Reporter (hereinafter referred to as mind): First of all, on behalf of the majority of fans welcome you to Nanchang. Jiangxi fans have been very respected to you, as soon as you go to Nanchang there are more than 100 fans at the airport to welcome you, what to say to the Jiangxi fans! Li Weifeng (hereinafter referred to as Lee): 12 o’clock in the evening, and So many fans to meet me, in addition to being more surprised to move, Jiangxi fans unexpected enthusiasm. I will redouble our efforts to return all fans who love me. I think I will have a chance to Jiangxi, Nanchang, but I hope