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传统制作间皮和毛细血管标本,大多采用青蛙或鼠的肠系膜、大网膜铺片.但由于它们的肠系膜面积窄小,不易展平,大网膜脂肪多,四层单层扁平上皮重叠在一起,不易分离,制作出来的标本往往使细胞牵拉变形,微血管聚拢而影响观察,又不能一次制作大量标本以满足教学的需要.我们在实践中发现兔的大网膜不发达,实际上是一部分胃系膜延伸折叠成双层囊覆盖于胃体之上,其面积大、毛细血管丰富、脂肪极少、且易分离成二层单层扁平上皮,是制作间皮和毛细血管的优良材料.1 材料和方法兔处死后,打开腹腔,可以看到大网膜从胃小弯向胃大弯延伸,覆盖在胃体上面,沿着胃大弯剪开大网膜,将双层的网膜轻轻分离开,向上提起,将备好的胶木圈平直伸入网膜之间,使其均匀的展平并粘着在胶木圈上,然后沿胶木圈的下边缘剪去多余的网膜,取出粘附有网膜的木圈,待稍干后,可按需要分别制作显示间皮或毛细血管的方法来处理.1.1 用镀银方法显示间皮将粘附着网膜的胶木图浸入1%硝酸银水溶液中,在阳光下晒10~15分钟,当看到网膜呈棕黄色时,加满蒸馏水并使其溢出,将硝酸银溶液完全冲去,以防止银离子沉淀在网膜上.取出木圈再放入蒸馏水中充分水洗,用改良Carazzi苏木素染液复染细胞核1~2分钟,不须分化,自来水冲洗15分钟, Traditional production of mesothelial and capillary specimens, mostly using the frog or mouse mesentery, omentum, but because of their mesenteric area is narrow, not easy to flat, omental fat, four flat monolayer overlap Together, difficult to separate, produced specimens often make the cells stretch deformation, capillaries gathered and affect the observation, but also can not make a large number of specimens at a time to meet the needs of teaching.We found in practice the rabbit omentum underdeveloped, in fact A part of the mesangial membrane extends and folds into a bilayer capsule covering the gastric body. Its area is large, its capillaries are rich, fat is very little, and it is easy to separate into two layers of monolayer of flat epithelium. It is an excellent material for making mesothelium and capillaries .1 Materials and Methods After the rabbit was sacrificed, the abdominal cavity was opened and the omental membrane was observed to extend from the lesser curvature of the stomach to the greater curvature of the stomach, covering the gastric body. The omentum was cut along the greater curvature of the stomach, The film gently separated, lift up, the bakelite will be prepared straight stretch between the omentum, so that it evenly spread and stick to the bakelite ring, and then cut along the lower edge of the bakelite excess omentum , Remove the sticky wood ring, to be slightly dry , Respectively, according to the need to make the method of display of the mesothelium or capillaries .1.1 silver plating method shows mesothelium adherent omental bakelite map immersed in 1% silver nitrate solution in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes , When you see the omentum was brown, filled with distilled water and make it overflow, the silver nitrate solution completely washed away to prevent the deposition of silver ions in the omentum Remove the wooden ring and then placed in distilled water and washed with water Carazzi hematoxylin counterstain the nuclei 1 to 2 minutes without differentiation, tap water for 15 minutes,
植物性油脂中除亚油酸、亚麻酸、花生四烯酸等人体必需脂肪酸外,还有一些异常脂肪酸如晁模酸(chaulmoogric acid)、结核脂酸(tuberculostearic acid)、蓖麻醇酸(ricinoleic
3种hCG疫苗(A.β-hCG二聚体、B.β-hCG CT 37肽TT偶合物、C.酶切β-hCG肽段)免疫雌性恒河猴进行毒理学和免疫安全性研究。血液分析结果表明,免疫前后动物血液红细胞数、血红
去年春季,一个新加坡收藏家花了近百万美元买下了中国画家张晓刚的名为大家庭系列:同志第120号》(1998)的肖像画,成为当日纽约首次亚洲当代艺术品拍卖会上的最高价。 Last s