Stress in Thin Films; Diffraction Elastic Constants and Grain Interaction

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wisdomroc
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Untextured bulk polycrystals usually possess macroscopically isotropic elastic properties whereas for most thin films transverse isotropy is expected, owing to the limited dimensionality. The usually applied models for the calculation of elastic constants of polycrystals from single crystal elastic constants (so-called grain interaction models) erroneously predict macroscopic isotropy for an (untextured) thin film. This paper presents a summary of recent work where it has been demonstrated for the first time by X-ray diffraction analysis of stresses in thin films that elastic grain interaction can lead to macroscopically elastically anisotropic behaviour (shown by non-linear sin2ψ plots). A new grain interaction model, predicting the macroscopically anisotropic behaviour of thin films, is proposed. The usually applied models for the calculation of elastic constants of polycrystals from single crystal elastic constants (so-called grain interaction models) This paper presents a summary of recent work where it has been demonstrated for the first time by X-ray diffraction analysis analysis of stresses in thin films that elastic grain interaction can lead to macroscopically elastically anisotropic behavioral (shown by non-linear sin2ψ plots). A new grain interaction model, predicting the macroscopically anisotropic behavior of thin films, is proposed.
按照传统炮制饮片的外观性状要求,对蔓荆子、白术、香附、小茴香、枳壳5种药材进行炒制,并对炒制工艺条件进行量化,测定了炮制前后挥发油含量,对白术、枳壳挥发油做了GC分析。 In a