
来源 :解放军护理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fayeming
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目的:探讨军队师以上老年冠心病疗养员情绪问题。方法:以明确诊断的军队师以上干部老年男性冠心病疗养员50例为研究组。以级别、文化程度和生活水平相匹配、排除理体器质性疾病的健康地方老年疗养员31例为对照组。采用国内引进修订的焦虑、抑郁自评量表,入院1周后,疗养员根据自己的主观感受,笔答量表中的20项问题。结果;焦虑和抑郁自评量表测评总分均值:冠心病组与对照组之间均有显著性差异。冠心病组焦虑情绪阳性项67人次,其中躯体症状阳性项54人次,以便秘、多汗、睡眠障碍较为显著。心理障碍阳性项13人次,抑郁情绪阳性项98人次,其中躯体症状阳性项48人次,以性功能障碍、睡眠障碍较为显著;心理症状阳性项50人次,以自我贬值、无望感较为显著。结论:(1)军队师以上干部老年冠心病疗养员的情结问题的内心体验和躯体化较健康老年人明已突出;(2)情绪及与其相关问题的护理对疗养员的康复至关重要。 Objective: To explore the emotional problems of elderly coronary heart disease paramedics above military division. Methods: Fifty cases of elderly male coronary heart disease convalescent cadres with a definite diagnosis of military cadres were selected as the study group. In order to level, educational level and living standards match, exclude physical fitness organic health care in 31 local elderly care for the control group. With the introduction of the revised anxiety and depression self-rating scale in China, one week after admission, the convalescents answered 20 questions in the questionnaire according to their own subjective feelings. Results; Anxiety and depression self-rating scale evaluation total score mean: coronary heart disease group and the control group were significantly different. Coronary heart disease group of 67 positive anxiety, of which 54 were somatic symptoms, with constipation, hyperhidrosis, sleep disorders more significant. Mental retardation positive 13 times, positive depression 98 times, including somatic symptoms of 48 people, with sexual dysfunction, sleep disorders are more significant; psychological symptoms of 50 people, self-devaluation, hopelessness is more significant. CONCLUSION: (1) The inner experience and somatization of complexion problems of senior coronary heart disease convalescent officers in army cadres above cadres have been conspicuous as compared with that of healthy elders. (2) Emotions and their related problems are very important to the rehabilitation of convalescent patients.
目的:了解某警通连春季强化训练中战士膳食营养状况。方法:采用5 日膳食称量法、生活观察法进行营养调查,并随机抽取20 名战士进行身高、体重、皮褶厚度、暗适应时间测量。结果:膳食
A free-standing paper-like three-dimensional graphene framework(3DGF) with orientated laminar structure and interconnected macropores, was obtained by the hard
白细胞介素8(interleukin-8, IL-8)、单核细胞趋化蛋白1(monocyte chemotactic protein-1, MCP-1)等趋化因子在子宫内膜异位症(内异症)发生、发展中的作用机制不断被阐明.趋化因子只有与其相应受体结合才能发挥生物活性,一种趋化因子与不同受体的结合,可发挥不同的生物学作用.为探讨趋化因子受体的表达及其与相应配体的同步变化程度,在内异症的发生、发展中的
1 氯氮平患者 ,男 ,50岁 ,因躁狂症每晚给予氯氮平 50mg,1 0d后突然倒地 ,不省人事 ,呼之不应 ,口吐白沫 ,四肢强直 ,抽搐 ,大小便失禁 ,持续 4~ 5min。给予氯硝安定 2mg,1 0min后醒复 ,