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在全面实施依法治国战略、进行法治建设中,人民认同法治问题非常重要。国内外学者对其进行了不同层面的研究,包括法治认同的核心部分——价值认同及法治认同的概念、分类和作用等方面的内容。这些研究成果为人民认同法治机制的建构研究奠定了良好的基础。法治认同既是一个认识过程,也是一个认同结果。根据人的认识规律和法治所承载的内容、表征及其功能,人民认同法治应由利益认同、制度认同和价值认同逻辑构成,因而逻辑建构法治认同机制,就应该围绕这个图景而展开。针对人民不同认识层次的法治诉求,坚持民主立法,构建代表和维护人民群众利益的法律制度机制;建设中国特色社会主义法治体系,坚持“五个体系”同步推进,使执法司法有据,人民遵法守法有章可循;进行司法体制改革,实现公正司法,提高司法公信力,保证人民看得见的正义等,应该成为我们制定法治建设的方案。 In the full implementation of the strategy of governing the country according to law and carrying out the rule of law, it is very important for the people to recognize the issue of the rule of law. Scholars at home and abroad have carried out various levels of research on them, including the core part of the recognition of the rule of law - the concept, classification and role of value recognition and the recognition of the rule of law. These findings have laid a good foundation for people’s understanding of the construction of the rule of law mechanism. The recognition of the rule of law is both an epistemic process and an endorsement. According to the laws of human cognition and the content, characterization and functions of the rule of law, the people’s recognition of the rule of law should be composed of the logic of interests, the system of identity and the value of identification logic. Therefore, logic to construct the mechanism of recognition of the rule of law should be based on this picture. In accordance with the law-making demands of people at different levels of understanding, upholding the democratic legislation and building a legal system mechanism that represents and protects the interests of the masses of the people, and building a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, we must adhere to the principle of “five systems” People follow the rules and abide by the law; reform of the judicial system, the realization of fair judiciary, enhance the credibility of the judiciary, to ensure that people see the justice, etc., should be our rule of law to develop the program.
【中图分类号】G71 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)09-0227-02  所谓的“趣味教学”是从教师层面而言,所采取的一种教学策略。是指教师要根据不同的课型,采取不同的教学形式,将课上得各具特色,让学生在快乐中学习,在学习中快乐,最终达到使学生能够自觉运用知识的目的。心理学指出:“青少年中绝大部分对语言形式没有兴趣,只对语言内容感到兴趣,他们的注意力维持短,兴趣转移
摘要:油画源于14世纪欧洲的蛋彩画,由杨凡·艾克发扬光大,它指的是使用罂粟油、亚麻仁油的混合颜料在木板上进行作画的一种新的画法,由于所使用的颜料有一定的厚度和硬度,有很强的覆盖力和立体感,因而能够长时间保持画面的光鲜亮丽,使油画艺术经久不衰,成为西方美术的最主要画派。本文主要就油画教学的审美化及其多模式油画教学途径进行简要分析。  关键词:油画;蛋彩画;西方美术;多模式油画教学  一、引言  油画