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  The old man could tell his wife was 1)agitated, when she came and 2)plumped down in the chair next to him. He had learned long ago it was best not to venture the first word, she would tell him about it when she was good and ready and had cooled down a bit.
  Their granddaughter had brought home a little kitten from school without consulting her first; like they needed another animal in the house, as they already had a dog, three other cats and a 3)hamster. If she was going to keep it, one of the other cats had to go.
  The old man wasn’t a cat person, far as he was concerned, it was just another cat to tolerate.
  By morning this little fussy ball of white fur had snuck into the ladies heart. They had to get some special food and milk, since the kitten had been taken away from its mother too soon.
  For a week Snuggles the little kitten romped and played and cried when it was left alone and seemed the happiest when the granddaughter was carrying him around, but he still wouldn’t eat and the medicine didn’t seem to help much.
  The old man woke early in the morning to hear his granddaughter crying, he noticed his wife was absent from her side of the bed. He found her in bed with her granddaughter with the kitten between them.
  The old man went downstairs and stretched out in his chair, but he could still hear the crying from his granddaughter and he knew it would get worse. She was just so emotional and had always been like that, it was heartbreaking when her mother brought the little kitten down wrapped in a blue 4)snuggle blanket and laid it on his 5)work bench.
  She didn’t say anything, but he could see her lips trembling and then she rushed back up stairs.
  Everyone in the house came by, to say good bye to the little kitten before they left for their daily 6)assailments. The grandmother had to go to work, and the mother had to take the daughter to school, before she herself went on into school, which just left the old man.

  The old man had to take the grandson to school, but he looked at the kitten a minute before he made the morning 7)school run. It was just a couple of blocks away, upon returning, he hunted for a box the right size, then moved the kitten; it opened its mouth and looked at him; he wrapped up the still alive kitten, found a dropper to give it water, then sat for the next four hours with the kitten on his lap, softly stroking it. Really being looked at for the first time ever, at least it would know it was not alone and a warm loving hand would hold it with love till it was time to leave.   The old man sat there; how could a little four-week-old kitten bring so much love into a house. He sat there hoping and praying and tears formed in his eyes when he was sure the little kitten had 8)expired.
  The box had just been a box before, now he cut it down to just the right size and made sure it was dirt proof, then found a new pillow case to wrap Snuggles in. Just throwing Snuggles in a garbage bag and throwing it in a hole or a 9)dumpster was out of the question. His tears fell down his face as he hunted for a bag to put around the box, Snuggles was just too special.
  He went to the shed and got out the 10)post hole diggers, a shovel and a rake. It would have to be a special spot not in the back of the yard.
  He hadn’t planted any flowers around the garden, in the front of the house yet. His joints were hurting and old muscles cried in pain as he dug the hole deeper. He didn’t want anything to disturb the little kitten. It would always be a sacred place.
  The old man placed the special box in the place he had dug and began covering it with the best soil, then took an angel from another pot of flowers and placed it on the exact spot. He wasn’t sure why he did it, other than that his granddaughter would want to know where Snuggles was buried.
  I rested there after a minute and wondered what dad would say, as he had just put up with cats, till later in life; I wondered, would he be smiling down at me, trying to remind me that it wasn’t what you did in life, or where you had been, or what you had done, or what you thought in your own mind or how much money you had that counted, but it was really how much you had been loved and how much you loved in return.
  I sat there thinking as I looked over the new grave, what really mattered; the yard hadn’t been weeded and trimmed, the junk hadn’t been 11)hauled off to what we thought would be neighbors’ expectations, I sat there thinking, did it really matter; 50 years from now, no one would remember or care. I couldn’t find the right words. There were just too many things in the world that haunted me, just an old man and a kitten that reminded me of what really mattered.
  到了第二天早上,这个小小的白色毛绒球已经潜入女士们的心坎里了。他们得准备一些特别的食物和牛奶,因为这小猫咪过早地离开了猫妈妈。   一个星期以来,这只叫“抱抱”的小猫咪蹦跳、玩耍,被独个儿留下时便喵喵地叫,被孙女抱着走动时,它就像是世界上最幸福的猫咪,但它还是不愿意进食,药物似乎也起不了多大作用。

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