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三句不离本行。每当新闻界同行凑在一块,便自然而然地聊起在改革开放的形势下,怎样搞好清正廉洁的报道。有的同志说,正面宣传为主,采编经济新闻比较顺利,可采编拒腐蚀、为政清廉的典型难啊! 难在哪里?概言之有“三难”:一是了解这方面的线索难;二是采写典型报道难;三是审核稿子也难。然而,报纸不能因为采写报道有些困难而不去积极宣传自觉拒腐防变、为政清廉的先进典型!编辑、记者也不能被“难”字挡住。近几年来,我们从组采这方面报道的实际工作中体会到,只要记者、编辑有“三股劲”,即满腔热情采编先进典型的闯劲;实实在在、实事求是写作先进的实劲;坚定不移颂扬先进的韧劲,那么,采写工作上的“三难”是可以克服的,并且能够采编出一批受各级 Three lines from the Bank. Whenever the press gets together in the same industry, they naturally talk about how to do well the report of integrity and integrity under the situation of reform and opening up. Some comrades said that the positive propaganda is the mainstay, and the economic news compiled and edited is relatively smooth. It can be taken as a typical example of hard-working and honest government. Where are the Difficulties? There are “three difficulties” in general: First, we must understand the clues in this respect. ; The second is difficult to write a typical report; third is difficult to review draft. However, newspapers should not be able to actively propagandize the advanced models of conscientiously fighting corruption and preventing corruption because of some difficulties in writing and reporting. Editors and reporters can not be blocked by the word “difficult”. In recent years, we have learned from the actual work reported in this regard that, as long as journalists and editors have the “Three Strain”, that is, they are enthusiastic about editing and advancing the advanced model; they are real and realistic writing, Moving to praise advanced advanced tenacity, then, writing work on the “three difficulties” can be overcome, and can be edited by a group of people at all levels
<正> 据统计,目前全国已有地、市级城市电视台二百八十多家。尽管各地市情、台情不同,但办好新闻节目,却始终应该是各城市台共同奋斗的目标。真正把新闻节目放在主体位置,尽快提高新闻队伍的综合素质,是各城市电视台的当务之急,也是确保城市台新闻节目质量的重要条件。城市台新闻现状分析: 城市台做为党和政府舆论的“前沿阵地”,为各省电视台及全国《新闻联播》、《经济信息联播》提供了大
“西电东送”是我国西部大开发的重要战略决策之一。我国经济发展和能源分布的地区间不平衡 ,决定了全国电力调配的基本格局必须走“西电东送”和全国联网之路。实施“西电东