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连云港市是全国首批沿海开放城市、中西部最便捷出海口岸和江苏沿海开发的龙头。近年来,我们抢抓机遇,奋发进取,扎实工作,形成了又好又快的发展态势。2005年以来,全市地 Lianyungang City is the first batch of coastal open cities in the Midwest, the most convenient port of entry and Jiangsu coastal development leader. In recent years, we seize the opportunity, work hard and enterprising, and work solidly, forming a sound and rapid development trend. Since 2005, the city
尊敬的蔡指导,您好: 我是一位旅居海外的铁杆球迷,看了这届世乒赛,我和几位球友颇有些感慨不吐不快,于是冒昧地给您写了这封信。在这里,我们不想庆祝有目共睹的成绩,只想提
Mathematical models are been proposed to simulate the thermal and metallurgical behaviors of the strip occurring on the run-out table(ROT) in a hot strip mill.
To reveal the properties of ZrO2 at the atom and electron levels, the valence elec- tron structures of three ZrO2 phases were analyzed on the basis of the empir
The effects of various factors,such as argon flow rate and slide gate opening ratio,on the alumina deposition rate were re- searched by the numerical simulation
目的:探讨200 IU hCG在控制性卵巢刺激(COS)过程的晚卵泡期替代hMG对COS的疗效。方法:回顾性分析行体外受精/单精子卵胞质内注射-冻融胚胎移植(IVF/ICSI-FET)患者资料共154例
本文报道了一种新的、灵敏度高的测定制剂和人尿中氨苄西林的DL极谱法.其原理是基于氨苄西林碱性降解产物的电解作用. In this paper, we report a new, highly sensitive a