
来源 :湖北林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sclin
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国外松(湿地松、火炬松)自40年代引入我省以来,至今已发展到100多万亩,70年代末逐渐发生枯梢病危害,并日趋严重,到80年代有的地方开始成片枯死,据不完全统计,全省有30—40万亩发病,2000余亩已枯死,极大影响群众发展国外松的积极性,引起了各级领导的高度重视。为解决这一问题,1988年省科委向我所下达了“国外松枯梢病流行规律与防治对策的研究”课题。 Foreign pine (Pinus elliottii, Pinus taeda) introduced into our province since the 40’s, has developed to more than 100 million mu, the gradual emergence of the late blight in the late 1970s and growing serious, and some places in the 1980s began to die According to incomplete statistics, the province has 30-40 mu of disease incidence and more than 2,000 mu of land have already died. This has greatly affected the enthusiasm of the masses in developing foreign affairs and attracted great attention from leaders at all levels. In order to solve this problem, in 1988, the Provincial Science and Technology Commission issued to me the “study on the epidemic rules and control strategies of pine blight in foreign countries.”
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音乐教育与道德密不可分,在音乐教学中渗透德育教育的目的在于通过革命传统、爱国主义和高尚道德等方面的教育,提高学生的素质,最实质的问题是教会学生如何做人。只是目前,我国的音乐教学实践中普遍存在一些问题,许多音乐教师把重点放在了音乐知识和技能的教授上,忽视了德育的渗透。教师应在教学中重视对德育的认识,做好德育在音乐教育中的渗透。  德育教育是教育者按照一定社会或阶级的要求,有目的、有计划、系统地对教育