Sunshine in My Heart

来源 :阅读(快乐英语高年级) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SFAFFDAF
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  陈语琪 印乃权 陈子怡 张瀚文 刘亦菲
  冯浩尘 范韵涵 陈雨青 毛中楷 张津诚
  Carter(搬运工):Oh my God! Are you OK? Let me take you to the hospital. I’ m sorry.
  Nick:Hey,did you hurt?
  Lily:Oh,my gift,my birthday gift ... my parents sent to me ...
  Nick:Are you OK?
  Lily:I’m fine.
  Scene 4
  Narrator:Today is Mid-autumn Day. Everybody goes to school early,because they will have a party.
  Lily:Whose box is this?
  Cindy:Maybe it’s a surprise.
  Ben:Let me open it.
  Jessie:Wow,a beautiful music box!
  Miss Wang:Good morning,everyone.
  Students:Good morning,Miss Wang.
  Miss Wang:Today is Mid-autumn Day. It’s an important festival in China. Do you know why?
  Jessie:Because on this day each family gathers together to celebrate.
  Bob:The moon is the brightest. It’s a symbol of reunion(团圆).
  Miss Wang:What can we do on this day?
  Ben:We can have a big dinner with our family.
  Jack:We can enjoy the moon while eating mooncakes.
  Cindy:We can listen to the story about the rabbit on the moon.
  Miss Wang:Because some of your parents are not at home,maybe you can’t celebrate the festival this night. But we can celebrate it now. Let’s taste the mooncakes first. Lily,it is for you.
  Lily:Thank you very much. It is the first time that I celebrate this day. These years when I saw the beautiful moon,I missed my parents very much. I hoped they were by my side,but ... I just wait for the new year. I’m always waiting,waiting for them ...
  Students:Don’t be sad,we are a family.
  Jessie:Lily,would you like to sing a song with us?
  Lily:I ... I ...
  Ben:Don’t worry,just do like this.
  Nick:Hey,come on,girl.
  (Lily joins them and everyone sings happily. )
人们把用人的眼神、面部表情、手势、体态动作等来交流思想、表达感情、传递信息进行社会交际的方法和手段称之为肢体语言。美国心理学家艾伯特·梅拉宾曾制定了这样一个公式:传递信息的总效果=7%词语 38%声音 55%的面部表情。可见教师的一言一行、一举一动都对学生起到潜移默化的作用。肢体语言是教师展现课堂艺术、实现教学目标、和学生交流的有效手段,从而使课堂趋于一种“无声胜有声”的完美境界,对提高课堂教学