Common parameters of acupuncture for the treatment of hypertension used in animal models

来源 :Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fq1984
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Hypertension is associated with at least 7.6 million annual deaths worldwide.While pharmacotherapy may provide good control for blood pressure,it sometimes induces adverse effects.Meanwhile,acupuncture has been used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases,such as hypertension,coronary artery disease,and stroke,but its mechanisms of actions remain poorly understood.The efficacy of acupuncture depends on multiple constituent elements including acupoints,manipulation skills,and implementation programs,which are termed as acupuncture prescription.This review summarized the previous information of experimental use of acupuncture on animals including species,hypertension models,acupoints selection,acupoint location,stimulation protocols,and evaluation of effectiveness to provide useful guidance for researchers when performing acupuncture in animal experiments. Hypertension is associated with at least 7.6 million annual deaths worldwide. Whilst pharmacotherapy may provide good control for blood pressure, it sometimes induces adverse effects. Meanwhile, acupuncture has been used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, and stroke, but its mechanisms of actions remain poorly understood. The efficacy of acupuncture depends on multiple constituent elements including acupoints, manipulation skills, and implementation programs, which are termed as acupuncture prescription. This review summarizes the previous information of experimental use of acupuncture on animals including species, hypertension models, acupoints selection, acupoint location, stimulation protocols, and evaluation of effectiveness to provide useful guidance for researchers when performing acupuncture in animal experiments.
促皮质素(ACTH)人们习惯肌肉注射作为患儿的给药途径,而关于静脉滴注ACTH副作用尚无报道, 为了探讨ACTH静脉滴注的副作用,采用多功能监护仪对12例患儿进行用药前后心率和血氧饱和度监测,同时测 量
By the end of June, 1997, about 813 600 automobiles were produced by Chinese auto mak-ers, of which 774 800 had been sold out, an in-crease of 7.28% and 7.44%
早产儿视网膜病 (retinopathyofprematurity,ROP)原称晶体后纤维增殖症 ,1942年由Terry首先报道 ,1984年正式定名为早产儿视网膜病[1] 。1 研究现状2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,随着医疗护理技术的进步 ,早产低体重
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