加强中小企业财务管理 提高企业经济效益

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随着我国市场经济的迅猛发展,中小企业对于提高经济发展速度,解决产能过剩问题,不断丰富发展广大人民的幸福生活以及保障社会长治久安都发挥着必不可少的作用。和大型企业相比,中小企业的灵活性更强,但是其发展历程也是曲折坎坷的,面临着各种不确定性,各种问题都亟待解决。一方面,国家可以出台相关的法律法规来保护中小企业的利益,使其实现经济的可持续发展;另一方面,中小企业自身也要根据实际发展情况,不断完善财务管理体制,以期实现最大的经济效益,即企业价值最大化。 With the rapid development of the market economy in our country, SMEs play an indispensable role in raising the speed of economic development, resolving the problem of overcapacity, constantly enriching and developing the happy life of the vast majority of the people and ensuring long-term peace and stability in the community. Compared with large enterprises, SMEs are more flexible, but their development is also tortuous. They face various uncertainties and various problems are urgently needed to be solved. On the one hand, the state can introduce relevant laws and regulations to protect the interests of SMEs so that they can achieve sustainable economic development; on the other hand, SMEs themselves must constantly improve the financial management system in the light of actual development so as to achieve the maximum Economic efficiency, that is, the maximization of enterprise value.
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