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以高等教育出版社数学基础模块下册第六章数列中的等比数列前n项和公式这一内容为例,阐述SMART交互式电子白板在技校数学课堂中的应用。证明了借助SMART交互式电子白板,不仅有助于在课堂教学当中发挥学生的主体地位,引导学生主动思考,突破课堂内容的重点、难点,而且可以激发学生学习数学的兴趣,调动课堂气氛,形成合理有效的教学资源。 Take the content of the first n terms and the formula of the geometric sequence in the sixth chapter of the sixth chapter of the basic module of mathematics in higher education publishing house as an example to illustrate the application of SMART interactive whiteboard in technical school mathematics classroom. It proves that using SMART interactive whiteboard not only helps students play a dominant role in classroom teaching, guides students to take the initiative to think and breaks through the key and difficult points of the classroom contents, but also stimulates students’ interest in learning mathematics and mobilizes the classroom atmosphere to form Reasonable and effective teaching resources.
The activation characters of chosen fusion materials are important in determining proper reactor technologies. In order to meet these requirements for fusion d
The MCC 2 (the Second Version) is an updated edition of the sub-library of atomic masses and characteristic constants of nuclear ground states(MCC) of the Chin
where fis the number of isotopes in a natural element. For negative Q value, Q_(ENDF) gives the threshold energy of this threshold reaction channel. But this i
以φ180 mm连轧钢管机组小系列φ158 mm穿顶为基础,选用15Cr2Ni3MoW钢作为顶头材质,通过改进冶炼、铸造等环节的工艺,达到减少顶头铸造缺陷、增加顶头致密度的目的.对热处理
StudyofNeutronYieldinRelativisticHeavyIonInteractionsGuoShilun,WangYulan,TuCaiqing,SaBenhao,ZhengYuming,R.Brandt,P.Vater,B.A.... Study of Neutron Field Intranstivation Heavy Ions Medical DevicesGuoShilun, WangYulan, TuCaiqing, Sa Benhao, ZhengYuming, R.
Reports and Proceedings Off.Gas and Air Cleaning Systems for Accident Conditions in Nuclear Power Plants, Technical Reports Series No. 358, 400 Austrian schill