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小儿厌食的原因非常多,可分为疾病性和非疾病性两大因素。但最常见的是由于非疾病因素引起的,她不良的饮食习惯(偏食、挑食常吃零食、喜食冷饮、不吃早餐、进食不定时等),不合理的饮食制度,不好的进食环境(吃饭时看电视,成人吸烟,边吃边聊等)均可造成小儿厌食。少部分是由于疾病所致,如肠道寄生虫病,慢性胃炎及消化性溃疡,缺锌缺铁等微量元素的缺乏,严重的牙齿疾病等。故孩子出现厌食后家长不要着 There are many reasons for anorexia in children, can be divided into two major factors of disease and non-disease. But the most common is due to non-disease factors, her poor eating habits (partial eclipse, picky eats snacks, eat cold drinks, do not eat breakfast, eating irregularities, etc.), unreasonable diet, bad eating environment (Watching TV while eating, smoking adults, eating while chat, etc.) can cause children anorexia. A small part is due to diseases, such as intestinal parasitic diseases, chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer, lack of zinc deficiency and other trace elements lack of serious dental disease. Therefore, parents do not have children after anorexia
BACKGROUND: Under induction of retinoic acid (RA), bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) can differentiate into nerve cells or neuron-like cells, which do not survi
一项新的研究发现,昏暗的环境可诱导不诚实和不道德的行为发生。在三个不同的试验中,研究人员发现,人们在阴暗的房间里或者戴墨镜时,会比以前更自私和更加不诚实。 A new st
refuse 1.refuse+名词,意为“拒绝……”。例1 The official refused the glove money from a businessman.那个官员拒绝接受生意人的礼金。 2.refuse sb.sth.,意为“拒绝某
最近,南京的一位心理学家在调查中发现,孩子最害怕听到的,是家长这样的话: 1.“傻瓜,无用的东西!” 2.“你简直是个废物。” 3.“你又做了错事,简直坏透了。” 4.“住嘴!你
入院短期内死亡病例,多因原发病凶险及来院前救治不妥造成。现将我科近年收治的46例患者病因分析如下:1 一般资料经诊断:脑出血19例、急性心梗7例、肺心病5例、急性白血病2
In this paper interfacial edge crack problems are considered by the application of the finite element method. The stress intensity factors are accurately determ