抒发光彩情 共筑中国梦——各地“光彩服务日”活动精彩纷呈

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10月18日,由中国个体劳动者协会主办的2013年全国个体工商户、私营企业“光彩服务日”活动启动仪式在河北省石家庄市隆重举行。中国个协会长钟攸平出席了启动仪式,中国个协秘书长刘敏在启动仪式上讲话,河北省个体工商户、私营企业会员代表和各界人士近千人参加了启动仪式。创建优质服务品牌“光彩服务日”活动是由中国个体劳动者协会倡导和创建,全国各级个体私营企业协会组织,以展现会员风采,组织会员回报社会为目的的品牌活动。1996年开始至2010年的活动以“光彩服务周”的形式开展。从2010年开始, On October 18, 2013, the launching ceremony of the activities of “Private Enterprise” and “Glorious Service Day” organized by China’s Individual Laborers Association was held in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. Zhong Youping, chairman of the Chinese Association of Associations, attended the launching ceremony. Liu Min, secretary general of China Association of Speakers at the launching ceremony, made a speech at a launching ceremony. Individual industrial and commercial households in Hebei Province, members of private enterprises and nearly 1,000 people from all walks of life attended the launching ceremony. Create a quality service brand “Glorious Day of Service ” activity is advocated and created by China Association of Individual Laborers, brand activities organized by individual and private enterprise associations at all levels to show the style of members and organize members to repay the society. Events starting in 1996 and ending in 2010 are in the form of “Glorious Service Week.” Starting from 2010,
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