真言 真心 真情——浅谈小学写作教学

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作文让不少小学生深感头痛,下不去笔,写不出字,反反复复,纠结其中,这大概是“作文难”“难作文”最逼真形象的素描。也有的作文尽管看似洋洋洒洒,但却缺乏生气,机械模仿或者是那种“形而上”的假、大、空,少了太多的童言、童真、童趣。因此,让学生写作文返璞归真、真情流露成为教育界的一种呼声。作文就是让小学生“我手写我心”畅快、自如地表达个人心绪,抒发个人情感,是孩子心中流淌出对眼中生活和现实世界的一种感受和体验。教师应该在充分尊重学生的心理特征、认知特点、个性差异的基础上,着手打造更具实效的写作教学课堂,让小学生能够说真话,吐真言,用真心,露真情。 Essay for many primary school students feel a deep headache, do not go next pen, can not write the word, repeatedly, entangled among them, which is probably “difficult essay ” “difficult essay ” the most realistic image of the sketch. Other essays, although seemingly eloquent, lack the vitality, mechanical imitation or the kind of “metaphysical” false, big and empty, with too little fairy tales, innocence and childlike play. Therefore, let the students return to writing essays, truth revealed as a voice of education. Writing is for pupils “I write my heart ” carefree, freely express personal feelings, express personal feelings, is the child’s hearts flowing out of the eyes of life and the real world, a feeling and experience. Teachers should, on the basis of fully respecting students’ psychological characteristics, cognitive features and individual differences, set about creating a more effective writing teaching class so that pupils can tell the truth and vomit truths and show their true feelings and truth.
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