实施“燎原计划” 实现农科教结合

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克山县涌泉乡在1989年和1992年分别被县和省确定为“燎原计划”示范乡,乡党委、乡政府把实施“燎原计划”纳入了乡、村目标管理,采取一系列有效措施,实施“燎原计划”,努力实现农科教结合。具体作法有: 一、以成职联校为结合点实施“燎原计划”推进农科教结合这个乡把成职联校作为实用技术培训和经济发展的最佳结合点,大力开展多种类型的人才培训。坚持“实际、实用、实效”的原则,办长班短班,常年不断。1991年举办各种培训班145期,共培训6758人次。开发新技术、点播技术火种、为发展生产服务。这个乡抓住“农业发展、科技进步、人才培养”这条主线,拓宽思路,统筹考虑农科教的改革与发展。1989年以来,全乡每年推行“丰收计划”和“高产攻关计划”种小麦、大豆、玉米五万亩,占全乡面积一半以上。为了搞好科技攻关项目,乡成职联校同村校组织全乡农民和科技户利用面授、电影、录像、现场示范、巡回讲授、高产大王 Keshan County Yongquan Township was identified as a “Prairie Fire Plan” demonstration town by the county and the province in 1989 and 1992, respectively. The township party committee and township government incorporated the implementation of the “Prairie fire program” into the township and village targets management and adopted a series of effective measures , Implement “prairie fire plan”, and strive to combine agriculture with science and education. The specific practices are: First, the vocational school as a combination of joint implementation of “Prairie fire plan” to promote agricultural science and education combined with the township into the vocational school as a practical combination of technical training and economic development of the best point, vigorously carry out various types of personnel Training. Adhere to the “practical, practical and pragmatic” principle, do a long class short classes, perennial. In 1991, 145 training sessions were held, with a total of 6758 training sessions. Development of new technologies, on-demand technology fire, for the development of production services. This township grasps the main line of “agricultural development, scientific and technological progress and personnel training”, broadens its thinking and makes overall consideration of the reform and development of agricultural science and education. Since 1989, the township every year to implement the “harvest plan” and “high yield research plan” kinds of wheat, soybean, corn five acres, accounting for more than half of the township area. In order to do a good job in scientific and technological research projects, township vocational school with the village organization of the township farmers and science and technology households using face to face, film, video, on-site demonstration, roving teaching,
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