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大力发展先进文化,坚决抵制腐朽文化,是江泽民在十六大报告中向全党提出的明确要求。作为军队系统的人武部门,地处军地结合部,工作范围和工作对象都在地方,与社会联系更加直接、更加紧密,在抵制腐朽文化、发展先进文化这个重大问题上,应该走在全社会的前列。这不仅是贯彻落实十六大精神的客观要求,也是践行“三个代表”重要思想的具体体现。深扎篱笆,切实打牢思想道德防线。随着对外开放的不断扩大,在促进经济发展的同时,一些消极腐朽的思想文化也乘虚而入,对人们的思想文化和价值取向带来了一定的影响和冲击。如何使人武干部经受住考验,确立起祟高的精神追求,最主要的就是树立起有效的道德防线。增强使命感,架起“警戒线”。人武部门作为党的武装力量的重要组织部分,带头抵制腐朽文化,弘扬和发展先进文化,是职责所系,任务使然。因此,必须时刻牢记自己所处的地位和肩负的责任,明确应该倡导什么、反对什么,什么可行、什么不可为,筑起一道思想道德的坚固防线。增强危机感,确立“生死线”。腐朽文化不仅影响个人的思想道德,而且影响整个社会风气,严重者甚至关系党和国家的前途和命运。我们必须充分认识腐朽文化的极端危害性,增强抵制腐朽文化的紧迫感;必须按照党员的先进性标准和军人道德规范,自觉从思想和行动上抵制腐朽文化侵蚀。增强责任感,找准“航行线”。人武部门是军队与人民群众联系 Vigorously developing advanced culture and resolutely resisting decadent culture are the explicit demands made by Jiang Zemin to the party as a whole in the report of the 16th CPC National Congress. As an armed forces department of the military system, it is located in a military-military integration department. The scope of work and work targets are in places. It is more direct and closer with the society. On the major issue of resisting the decadent culture and developing the advanced culture, The forefront of society. This is not only the objective requirement of implementing the spirit of the 16th National Party Congress, but also the concrete manifestation of practicing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents.’ Take a deep fencing and firmly lay the ideological and moral defense line. Along with the continuous expansion of opening up to the outside world, while promoting economic development, some negative and decadent ideologies and cultures have also come into existence, bringing some impact and impact on people’s ideological culture and value orientation. How to make a person armed cadres withstand the test and establish a spirited spiritual pursuit, the most important thing is to establish an effective moral defense. Enhance the sense of mission, set up “cordon ”. As the important organizational part of the armed forces of the party, people’s armed forces department takes the lead in resisting the decadent culture and carrying forward and developing the advanced culture. It is the responsibility of the people’s armed forces and its mission. Therefore, we must always bear in mind our own position and responsibility, clearly define what should be advocated, what should be opposed, what is feasible, and what can not be done. Therefore, we must establish a staunch defense of ideological and moral integrity. Enhance the sense of crisis, establish “life and death line ”. Decaying culture not only affects the individual’s morality, but also affects the whole social atmosphere. The serious ones even relate to the future and destiny of the party and the country. We must fully recognize the extreme dangers of a decadent culture and increase the sense of urgency to resist a decadent culture. We must consciously resist the decadent cultural erosion of ideas and actions in accordance with the advanced standards of the party members and the military ethics. Enhance the sense of responsibility, identify “navigation line ”. People’s military department is the army and the people contact
树立必赢的事业版图,我就是“超级大老鹰”! 挖掘深层次动机,没有想清WHY,再多的HOW也是枉然! 慎重选择一个事业平台和操作系统! 坐30天的冷板凳,掌握自己事业的优势,让头脑
从小学到中学,同学们要学习掌握的表达方式主要有两种。一种是简明平实的语言,它可以使读者得到一个清楚的认识。另一种是生动形象的语言,它可以使读者得到一个鲜明的印象。那么用哪种表达方式来写呢?一句话,要根据写作的目的来选择。  毛泽东写《纪念白求恩》,文中说:“对于他的死,我是很悲痛的。”另外,有位诗人为纪念白求恩写了一首诗,诗中写道:“这里——/河边的石头,/山上的野草,/也在为您流泪。”在诗人的笔