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明瓒兄是画家,才气纵横,于作画外,复问津于书法、篆刻诸领域,并各有很高造诣。近几年来,他又着意于古典诗歌,由阅读欣赏,到古体诗词的写作。他更潜心于禅学,于佛门,名明瓒居士,大家称呼他明瓒,而知道他原名张永强的,反而只有少数熟悉他的人了。他的出手不同凡俗。其艺术上的那种儒雅洒脱,更是来自他的为人风格。艺品、画格,系出于他的素养和人生态度。他的画风、书风,以及印风,一洗尘俗之气,都有妙处可说,那是出自其心态的悠闲。 Mingxiong brother is a painter, talent abilities, in painting outside, complex calligraphy in calligraphy, seal cutting areas, and each have a high attainments. In recent years, he is also interested in classical poetry, reading and appreciation, to the writing of ancient poetry. He was more devoted to the study of Buddhism. In Buddhism, he was known as a Ming dynasty monk and everyone called him Ming dynasty. He knew his former name was Zhang Yong-qiang but only a few who knew him well. His shots are different. The kind of refined and elegant art, but also from his own style. Artwork, painting grid, Department out of his literacy and attitude towards life. His style, style of writing, as well as the Indian style, a common sense of gas wash, there are wonderful things to say, it is from its mentality of leisure.
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