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背景提示 1982年,国家提出“以上海为中心建立长三角经济圈”的构想。多年来,我省一直将加强与长江三角洲的交流与合作作为重要的发展战略。1990年,我省就提出了“抓住机遇、开发皖江、强化自身、呼应浦东”的决策。2002年,浙江省党政代表团到我省考察访问。同年,安徽省党政代表团赴浙江进行考察学习。2002年10月,省委、省政府召开加快皖江开发开放座谈会,提出要坚持以大开放为主战略,以招商引资为突破口,积极融入长江三角洲经济圈,建设沿江现代化城市群。2003年,省委七届四次会议提出,以合肥、芜马铜“金三角”为突破口,培育与长三角对接点。同年,长江三角洲旅游城市15+1高峰论坛在杭州举行。2003年9月,我省党政代表团及经贸代表团赴江苏和上海,进行多方位的经贸合作洽谈。此外,自2002年5月选派105名县市区的主要党政领导赴浙江、江苏等省挂职学习后,去年又选派100多名县市区主要领导赴江浙沪鲁粤五省市挂职学习。 Background Tip In 1982, the government put forward the concept of “establishing the economic circle of the Yangtze River Delta centered on Shanghai”. Over the years, our province has always regarded strengthening exchanges and cooperation with the Yangtze River Delta as an important development strategy. In 1990, our province put forward the policy of “seizing the opportunity, developing Wanjiang, strengthening itself and echoing Pudong”. In 2002, the party and government delegation of Zhejiang Province visited and inspected our province. In the same year, party and government delegations from Anhui Province went to Zhejiang for study tours. In October 2002, the provincial party committee and the provincial government held a symposium on accelerating the development and opening up of the Yangtze River in Anhui Province. They proposed that they should adhere to the principle of “opening up to the outside world” and take investment promotion as a breakthrough to actively integrate themselves into the economic circle of the Yangtze River Delta and build a modern urban agglomeration along the Yangtze River. In 2003, the Fourth Session of the Seventh Provincial Party Committee put forward that taking Hefei, Wuma Copper as the “Golden Triangle” as a breakthrough point, fostering contacts with the Yangtze River Delta. In the same year, the 15 + 1 Summit Forum on Tourism in the Yangtze River Delta was held in Hangzhou. In September 2003, the provincial party and government delegations and economic and trade delegations went to Jiangsu and Shanghai to conduct multi-faceted economic and trade cooperation talks. In addition, since May 2002, major party and government leaders from 105 counties and cities were sent to Zhejiang and Jiangsu for post-graduate study. Last year, more than 100 leading leaders from counties and cities were dispatched to five provinces and cities in Jiangsu, Shandong, Zhejiang and Shanghai for study.
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针对变截面板簧的特点 ,研制了一种分体式中心定位淬火机。 In view of the characteristics of variable section leaf spring, a split center positioning hardened mach