
来源 :中国广告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanyanbing
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是谁说,愈夜愈美丽? 当加班成为天经地义, 当压力压得自己喘不过气, 当激情一天一天远去,夜晚,是否依然快乐如昔? ——摘自《广告人作坊》 21岁时大学毕业,没有太多的想法,就进入了合力昌荣广告公司,成了一个广告人,1998年,应公司的需要,开始了媒介工作,做广告,做媒介工作总是能让人比较快地成长起来,在中国广告业迅速成长的时候,我也随着这个行业一起成长,理论和系统的认识也在这个过程中形成。中国的广告业发展时间也不是很长,是属于新兴的行业。量初,也并不是立刻就喜欢上这个广告行业的,尤其是媒介工作是有一个适应的过程的。但当做出一定成就之后,你就自然而然地对这一工作产生浓厚的兴趣,而当工作已经游刃有余的时候,我就发觉 Who says, the more beautiful every night? When overtime has become a matter of course, when the pressure pressure themselves out of breath, when the passion day away, the night, is still as happy? - from “Advertisers Workshop” 21-year-old University Graduation, without too much thought, entered the synergy Changrong advertising company, has become an advertising person, in 1998, at the company’s needs, started the media work, advertising, media work can always make people faster Growing up, as China’s advertising industry grew rapidly, I also grew up with the industry, and theoretical and systematic knowledge came into being. China’s advertising industry development time is not long, is a new industry. At the beginning, it does not immediately like this advertising industry. In particular, media work has an adaptive process. But when something is done, you are naturally interested in the job, and when the job is done, I realize
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