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非刑罚的态度《论语》中讲非刑罚的地方很多。毕竟刑罚这个东西是让人生去走功利的路,根本与孔家冲突。拿法律刑赏去统驭社会,实在是把人生建立在计较利害的心理上,建立在不正当的功利态度上,结果使人的心理卑陋鄙劣。刑罚这种东西对将来改造后之社会实有极大之问题。我在《东西文化及其哲学》中关于将来世界文化之社会方面曾说:“在这一面,如今日不合理的办法也不能不改变。不论是往时的专制独裁.或近世的共和立宪,虽然已很不同。而其内容有不合理之一点 Non-criminal attitude ”Analects of Confucius“ non-criminal places many. After all, the penalty for this thing is to make life to go utilitarian way, and Kong clan conflict. To take legal punishment to control the society, it is based on life based on the calculation of interest in the psychological, based on the improper utilitarian attitude, the result of humble people’s humble. Penalties for such things in the future after the transformation of the community there is a real problem. I said in the East-West culture and its philosophy about the social aspect of the world culture in the future: ”On this side, the unjust approach today can not but change, whether it be the past autocratic dictatorship or the modern constitutional republican constitution , Although very different, and its content is unreasonable
1.SIGMUND FREUD(1856~1939):Austrian,psychoananlyst 西格蒙德·弗洛伊德:奥地利心理分析家 2.ALBERT EINSTEIN(1879~1955):German,scientist,founder of Theory of Relativ
Today, homosexuality has become legalized. It is one of the human rightsprotected by the U. S. government. Homosexal persons can now openly put ads innewspaper
译苑笔耕,教坛舌耘,久而久之,发现了一个有趣并发人深省的现象。 英译汉,学生的译文往往该简不简,或架床叠屋,或拖泥带水。似乎有必要疾呼“删繁就简三秋树”。 汉译英,学生
I.用blame: 1) He is to blame for it. 这事要责怪他。 2) The accountant was blamed for the mistake. 会计因发生错误而受责备。 3) The mistake was blamed on to the
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