因特网的发展为科研人员自由获取全球范围的信息提供了条件 ,为快捷地在海量的无序信息中获取有效信息 ,我们将分批提供有关国际极地科学的网站地址 (其中译文仅供参考 ) ,读者只需选择一个与所检信息相关的网址作为入口 ,层层点击链接 ,便可找到所需信息。网址 :1 .Alfred Weg
The development of the Internet has provided the conditions for researchers to freely access information on a global scale. In order to quickly and effectively obtain information on disruptive information, we will provide the website address of the International Polar Science in batches (the translation is for reference only) Readers simply choose a web site associated with the information seized as the entrance, click on the link layer by layer, you can find the required information. Website: 1. Alfred Weg