努力开创就业工作良好局面 信长星在人力资源社会保障部务虚会上提出五点看法

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7月底,人力资源社会保障部在北京召开务虚会,旨在深入学习胡锦涛同志“七一”重要讲话精神,紧密联系人力资源社会保障工作实际,研究新情况,解决新问题。围绕就业方面的工作,尹蔚民指出,上半年全国城镇新增就业655万人,实现了时间过半、任务过半。尹蔚民强调,要确保完成全年就业目标,继续把高校毕业生就业工作放在首位,统筹做好农民工和就业困难人员的就业工作。讨论涉及就业形势的判断、青年就业特别是大学生就业、“招工难”、少数民族大学生就业、资源枯竭城市就业、就业服务能力建设等问题。人社部副部长信长星围绕就业问题作了专题发言,提出了五点看法: At the end of July, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a retreat in Beijing to study in depth the important speech made by Comrade Hu Jintao and the “July 1” and to closely contact the actual work of social security in human resources, study new situations and solve new problems. Focusing on employment, Yin Weimin pointed out: In the first half of this year, there were 6.55 million new jobs in cities and towns across the country, achieving more than half the time and over half the tasks. Yin Weimin stressed: To ensure the completion of the annual employment target, we will continue to give top priority to the employment of university graduates and do well in the employment of migrant workers and those in employment. The discussion involved the judgment of the employment situation, youth employment, especially the employment of university graduates, difficulties of recruiting workers, employment of college graduates of ethnic minorities, urban employment in resource-exhausted cities and capacity-building in employment services. Shinsengumi, deputy minister of the Ministry of Social Welfare, made a special speech on employment issues and put forward five views:
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