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情感的朗读是语文知识传达的一种表现形式,并不是人们眼中的无病呻吟或者刻意夸张,感情诵读对于学生的知识理解和记忆力的循环都有着非常重要的意义,它可以陶冶学生对语文文字的敏感程度,促进学生对文章内容的深刻理解,甚至对学生判断语文情景和中心思想内容都有着特殊的作用,不要小看感情诵读在语文教学中的作用,深情并茂的朗读也许一开始学生会觉得矫揉造作,没有任何实际意义,但是一旦学生走进感情朗读真正的境界就会发现,语文诗歌和文字当中的韵律美感。 Emotional reading is a manifestation of the transmission of Chinese knowledge. It is not a moaning or deliberate exaggeration of people’s eyes. Emotional reading plays a very important role in understanding students ’knowledge and circulating memory. It can cultivate students’ sensitivity to Chinese writing Degree, to promote students’ profound understanding of the content of the article, and even have a special role for students to judge the language situation and the central ideological content, do not underestimate the role of emotional reading in Chinese teaching, affectionate reading Perhaps the beginning students will feel artificial, It does not have any real meaning, but once the student walks into the realm of reading, he or she will find the rhythmic beauty in Chinese poetry and writing.
欣闻香港管弦乐团五月北上,赴北京、上海巡回演出,我又一次搭船过海,到香港文化中心音乐厅聆听他们的行前音乐会。乐团这次带去的节目是贝多芬的普罗米修斯曲,布鲁赫的G 小
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双语教学使专业技术教学与外语有机结合 ,有利于学生综合素质的全面提高 ,顺应时代发展的方向。适合双语教学的、同时又与专业技术课程教学规范相适应的外文版教材 ,正在为教