
来源 :泥沙研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaircat
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华南入海河流每年向南海输送的悬移质泥沙约1×10~8t,推移质泥沙约1×10~7t,溶解质约36×10~6t。这些泥沙在区域海洋动力因素(潮流、海流、波浪…)作用下,主要在近岸带和陆架区发生运移和沉积,并影响至深海。 本文根据区域海洋动力条件的分析以及海洋沉积物中粘土矿物、化学成分和有机质含量分析图形的示踪,结果表明:(1)河流泥沙主要扩散和沉积在近海水深30~50m以浅区域和内陆架,小部分影响到外陆架和深海;(2)珠江泥沙的扩散沉积范围较大,影响遍及海南岛以东海域。另外红河的泥沙可影响北部湾。(3)波浪作用下的沿岸漂沙只限于各河口及附近海岸。 The suspended sediment transported to the South China Sea from the South China Sea flows about 1 × 10 ~ 8t per year, the sediment mass of the transitional sediment is about 1 × 10 ~ 7t, and the dissolved matter is about 36 × 10 ~ 6t. Under the influence of regional ocean dynamic factors (currents, currents and waves ...), these sediments mainly migrate and sediment in the nearshore and shelf areas and affect the deep sea. Based on the analysis of the regional ocean dynamic conditions and the tracing of clay mineral, chemical composition and organic matter content in the marine sediments, the results show that: (1) The main sediment of the river sediment is diffused and deposited in shallow areas of 30-50 m The shelf and small part affect the outer shelf and the deep sea. (2) The sediment of the Pearl River has a wide range of diffusion and deposition, affecting the sea area east of Hainan Island. In addition the sediment of the Red River can affect the northern bay. (3) Coastal drift of sand under the wave is limited to all estuaries and the nearby coast.
传媒记载了历史 ,也继续书写和影响着历史。在妇女解放和追求平等权利的进程中 ,传媒有着不可磨灭的功绩。在满足读者审美和好奇心、出版商经济利益需要的情况下 ,女性形象和
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我县马铃薯与甘蔗套种已有近十年的历史,并形成了一定规模。1997、1998、1999年分别种植80、120、160hm2,一般年份套种比单种甘蔗增收40%~60%。近几年马铃薯价格上扬,1999年收购价达1.20~1.30元/kg,套种平均每1hm2产量 My county po