药用植物学基础知识讲座——第七讲 植物营养器官的构造

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在开始讲植物器官的时候,还没有谈到植物细胞和组织,因而不便进行器官构造的讨论,但对辨认生药组织来说,了解植物器官的构造,尤其是营养器官的构造是很必要的。现在简述如下:Ⅰ.根的解剖构造根是植物的地下器官,以双子叶植物的人参为例,它具有一粗大的主根和多数较细的侧根,侧根上还有更细的侧根,这些根都是愈往下愈细小的,在根尖的周围还有很多由表皮细胞突出所形成的细微根毛。在不同的部位给根 At the beginning of plant organs, plant cells and tissues have not been discussed. Therefore, it is inconvenient to discuss the structure of organs. However, for the identification of medicinal tissues, it is necessary to understand the structure of plant organs, especially the structure of vegetative organs. Now it is briefly described as follows: I. The anatomical root of the root is the underground organ of the plant. Take the example of the ginseng of the dicotyledonous plant. It has a thick main root and many smaller lateral roots, and lateral roots have finer lateral roots. The roots are more and more subtle, and there are many subtle root hairs formed by epidermal cells around the root tip. Give roots at different sites
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砷的極譜分析法在文献上記載得不算少,但文献上所發表的数据却極不一致。 Kacirkova氏發現As (3+)在1NHCI中显二个極化波,它們的开始电压为-0.3及-0.6伏特(对飽和甘汞电極)