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时下,我们常常在各种媒体上看到或听到腐败分子如此分析自己走上犯罪道路的原因:“由于我平时放松了政治学习,思想上逐步蜕化变质,以致触犯党纪国法……我好后悔啊!”腐败分子后悔已迟,但是因“平时放松政治学习”而导致思想蜕变终成阶下囚的教训,却很值得正在台上的党员干部铭记。 如今,党员干部尤其是领导干部放松政治学习的现象并不鲜见。有人说,现在搞市场 Nowadays, we often see and hear corrupt elements in various media analyze the reasons why they have embarked on the criminal road: “Since I usually relaxed my political study and gradually degenerated in my thinking so as to violate the rules of the party and the state, I regret Ah! ”Corrupt elements regret it is too late, but due to“ peacetime relaxation of political study ”and lead to the ideological transformation of prisoners into prison, but it is worth bearing in mind the party members and cadres on stage. Today, it is not uncommon for Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, to relax their political studies. Some people say that now engage in the market
Rice grain shape,grain length(GL),width(GW),thickness(GT)and length-to-width ratio(LWR),are usually controlled by multiple quantitative trait locus(QTL).To eluc
This paper proposes a novel method, primarily based on the fuzzy adaptive resonance theory(ART) neural network with forgetting procedure, for moving object dete
以单叶省藤为研究对象,系统分析了藤茎形态、微观构造和纤维形态特征及其变异。结果表明,单叶省藤节间长平均为17~18 cm,直径平均为11~12 mm,节间长度和直径的轴向变异均为先增
年轻干部是党和国家的希望与未来 ,培养造就一大批德才兼备、能够担当重任的年轻工干部是我们党的事业后继有人和兴旺发达的关键所在。江泽民同志在庆祝中国共产党成立八十周
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