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职业卫生与安全管理体系标准化(OHSMS)国际研讨会于1996年9月5~6日在瑞士日内瓦举行。会议由ISO副主席(技术)主持,来自44个国家、6个国际组织的340多名代表参加了会议。以国家技术监督局标准化司司长朱一文为团长、劳动部科技委主任何延荪为副团长的中国代表团一行8人参加了本次研讨会。研讨会分三个阶段进行,即全体大会、分组研讨和总结会。国际劳工组织(ILO)、国际卫生组织(WHO)、IEC的代表在全体大会上发言阐述观点,ISO/TC 176主席和ISO/TC 207/SC 1的主席向全会介绍了各自的工作和经验。研讨分政府、雇主、雇员和保险商4个小组,每个组有8个发言。向延荪主任代表我国在政府组发言,介绍我国在这一领域的工作现状并对ISO开展这项工作表示原则上支持。分组研讨的结果是:以雇主方反对的意见最为强烈,政府界次之,雇员组认为开展这项工作有助于职业卫生与安全状况的改善,但不应是ISO,应是ILO负责。总结会上有13个国家的代表正式表态,其中以澳大利亚和丹麦为代表的4个国家强烈支持,以美国和法国为代表的7个国家强烈反对,挪威和英国反对ISO现在开展这项工作。反对的理由主要是: OHSMS International Symposium on Occupational Health and Safety Management System was held in Geneva, Switzerland from 5-6 September 1996. The meeting was chaired by Vice Chairman (Technology) of ISO and attended by over 340 delegates from 44 countries and 6 international organizations. A delegation of 8 people from China, headed by Zhu Yiwen, director of the Bureau of Standardization of the State Bureau of Technical Supervision, and head of the Ministry of Science and Technology Commission headed by HE Yansun attended the seminar. The seminar is divided into three phases, namely the general assembly, group discussion and summary meeting. Representatives from the International Labor Organization (ILO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the IEC made presentations in plenary sessions and the Chair of ISO / TC 176 and Chair of ISO / TC 207 / SC 1 briefed the plenary on their respective work and experiences. Study sub-government, employers, employees and insurers 4 groups, each group has 8 speakers. Speaking to the government group on behalf of our country, Director Yan Sun introduced our country’s current work in this field and expressed its support in principle for the ISO work. As a result of the group discussions, the views objected to by the employer are the strongest. The government sector takes the second place. The employee group believes that this work can contribute to the improvement of the occupational health and safety situation. However, it should not be an ISO and should be the responsibility of the ILO. At the conclusion of the meeting, representatives of 13 countries made a formal statement. Among them, four were represented by Australia and Denmark, strongly opposed by seven countries represented by the United States and France, and Norway and Britain opposed the ISO and are now carrying out this work. The reasons for opposition are mainly:
本文通过对黑龙江省水土流失现状、影响因素及危害的分析,并结合全省实际情况,提出了防治水土流失,改善生态环境,发展生产的战略对策。 Based on the analysis of the curre