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江泽民同志的“七一”重要讲话是坚持理论创新、不断开拓马克思主义新境界、指引全党和全国各族人民奋勇前进的光辉典范。学习《讲话》必须牢牢把握马克思主义基本原理与中国具体实际相结合,在创新中发展马克思主义这条基本线索,全面准确地掌握《讲话》的精神实质,并以此指导我们的各项工作,不断开创社会主义现代化建设的新局面。坚持理论创新,是《讲话》自始至终贯穿的一条红线。学习《讲话》我们体会最深的一点就是:《讲话》是一篇充满创新精神、实现创新成果、揭示创新规律的马克思主义纲领性文献。不论是回顾党的奋斗业绩、总结党的历史经验,还是从新的理论高度和战略高度深刻揭示“三个代表”丰富的科学内涵;不论是勾画党的建设新的伟大工程的宏伟蓝图,还是阐释党的建设的新的科学理论;不论是进一步明确党的奋斗目标,还是布置党的新的历史任务,《讲话》都有重大创新,需要我们反复学习、深刻领会。坚持理论创新是《讲话》揭示的马克思主义最可贵的理论品格。马克思主义是我们立党立国的根本指导思想,任何时候都要坚持。同时,马克思主义的生命力在于不断结合实际研究新情况解决新问题得 Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important “July 1” speech is a shining example of adhering to theoretical innovation, constantly opening up a new realm of Marxism and guiding the entire party and the people of all nationalities in our country to advance with courage. In studying “Speech,” we must firmly grasp the basic clues of developing Marxism in the process of innovation by integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with the concrete reality in our country, comprehensively and accurately grasping the essence of “speech” and guiding our various work Continue to create a new situation in the socialist modernization drive. Insisting on theoretical innovation is a red line running through “speech” throughout. The deepest lesson we have learned from studying “speech” is that “speech” is a Marxist programmatic document full of innovation, achievement of innovation and revelation of the law of innovation. Whether reviewing the party’s performance in struggle, concluding the party’s historical experience, or profoundly revealing the rich scientific connotation of “three represents” from a new theoretical height and strategic height, whether it is a grand blueprint outlined by the party for building a new great project, Or a new scientific theory that expounds the party’s construction. Whether it is to further specify the party’s goal of struggle or to lay out a new historical mission of the party, there are major innovations in “speech” that require us to study repeatedly and profoundly. Insisting on theoretical innovation is the most valuable theoretical character of Marxism that “speech” reveals. Marxism is the fundamental guiding principle for us to establish the party and establish a nation. We must uphold it at any time. At the same time, the vitality of Marxism lies in continually solving the new problems in light of the factual study of new situations
金属-有机框架材料(Metal-organic frameworks, MOFs)是由有机配体桥联金属离子节点形成的一类多孔材料,具有重要的研究价值。其中,MOFs在非均相催化领域的研究较为广泛。相对于其他的催化剂,MOFs具备更多优点:通过单晶X-射线衍射可以解析出明确的晶体结构;通过结构设计及后修饰性易于调控催化活性位点的种类与分布;材料的多孔性可以提供合适的催化反应微环境;非均相催化特性,使
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在工业上,Ru02作为析氯阳极材料,而Ir02作为析氧阳极材料。单纯的二氧化钌或者二氧化铱涂层电极的电化学性能并不理想,电极涂层容易剥落,使用寿命较短。大量研究表明,在二氧化钌、二氧化铱中掺杂其他组分或者在涂层与Ti基体之间构建中间层,可以提高电极的电催化活性与稳定性。电沉积无机SiO2 (e-SiO2)薄膜具有化学稳定性高、粗糙度高、多孔性的特点,本论文以e-SiO2薄膜为中间层构建Ti/e-S
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