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大庆油田萨中原油提馏装置是国内目前最大的原油稳定装置。自投产以来 ,耗能高 ,虽进行了几次改造 ,效果均不理想。采用工艺用能三环节分析法 ,对提馏装置的工艺过程用能进行分析 ,指导工艺改进 ,实施后取得较好的节能效益。根据对萨中提馏工艺过程用能分析 ,采取了如下实际改进措施 :更换加热炉火嘴 ,采用高效节能燃烧器 ;萨中提馏装置中原有 16台换热器 ,冷油走管程 ,热油走壳程 ,热损失大 ,后将14组 2 8台换热器分为两路并联 ,每路为 7组 14台换热器串联 ,进行稳前油和稳后油的换热 ;换热器中有 12台为并联方式 ,传热系数仅为 175 59kJ m2 ·h·℃ ,换热效率低 ,优化换热流程后 ,改为稳前油 (冷 )走壳程 ,稳后油 (热 )走管程。上述改进措施实施后 ,萨中提馏工艺系统的加热炉效率由80 93%提高到 88 74 % ;稳后油的输出回油温度由 75℃降至 6 5℃ ,稳前油的入炉温度由 130℃提高到 14 0℃。 Daqing Oilfield Sazhong crude oil distillation unit is currently the largest crude oil stabilization device. Since put into production, high energy consumption, although a few renovations, the effect is not satisfactory. The three-section analysis method of process energy is used to analyze the energy consumption of the process of the stripping unit to guide the process improvement and achieve better energy-saving benefits after the implementation. According to Sa Zhongzhong distillation process energy analysis, the following practical improvements have been taken: replace the furnace burner, the use of energy-efficient burners; Sa Zhong stripping device in the original 16 heat exchangers, cold oil to go tube, Hot oil shell side, heat loss, after 14 groups of 28 heat exchangers are divided into two parallel, each for 7 groups of 14 heat exchangers in series, the steady oil and stable after the oil heat exchanger; There are 12 heat exchangers in parallel, the heat transfer coefficient of only 175 59kJm2 · h · ℃, heat transfer efficiency is low, the optimization of the heat transfer process, to change the former oil (cold) take the shell, steady oil (Hot) take the tube. After the implementation of the improvement measures mentioned above, the efficiency of the heating furnace in Sazazati distillation system increased from 80 93% to 88 74%; the output back oil temperature of stabilized oil dropped from 75 ° C to 65 ° C, From 130 ℃ to 140 ℃.
互联网环境下,商业模式对于企业的重要性日益凸显,其背后所蕴含的经营者合法利益受到竞争法所关注.因不正当的竞争行为对商业模式造成的损害应当受到 《反不正当竞争法》 的
简要叙述了用流动模拟器(FLOWSIMULATOR)测定密闭、带压体系粘度的可行性 ,并进行低粘度的、高粘度的实液和原油乳状液的粘度测量 ,实验结果表明利用流动模拟器能够准确地测
用消光法(Light extinction)可以测量颗粒的平均粒径,而用多波长消光法,不仅可以测量颗粒的平均粒径,而且也可以测量颗粒的粒径分布.本文提出,当采用函数限制解法时,仅用3个