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对于现代人来说,理财可以套用这样一句话:“投资才是硬道理”。但是,很多人虽然已经拥有了自己的房子,可不管房价怎样高涨,也看不到投资的希望。因为遥遥无期的按揭还款,房子成了名副其实的“固定资产”。牵制着我们的投资计划。如果抵押正在按揭的房子,还可以在银行借到钱,资金的问题就可以解决掉了。现在有的银行,就推出了“再按揭贷款”的业务。过去买房相对较便宜,现在深圳的房屋升值很快。所以可以现在的价格贷款,还掉原来的贷款,还有多余的资金,可以用在再次融资买房、买车、创业等其他消费和投资领 For modern people, money management can apply the following sentence: “Investment is the last word.” However, although many people already own their own houses, they can not see the hope of investment despite the rising prices. Because of the mortgage in the foreseeable future mortgage, the house has become a veritable “fixed assets.” Contain our investment plan. If the mortgage is the mortgage of the house, you can also borrow money in the bank, the problem of funds can be solved. Now some banks have launched the “mortgage mortgage” business. In the past to buy a house is relatively cheap, and now the appreciation of housing in Shenzhen quickly. Therefore, the current price of loans, but also lost the original loans, there are extra funds that can be used in financing again to buy a house, buy a car, start-ups and other consumer and investment collar
Aqueous Zinc-ion batteries(ZIB)are attracting immense attention because of their merits of excellent safety and quite cheap properties compared with lithium-ion
The development of advanced electrocatalysts for efficient catalyzing ethanol oxidation reaction(EOR)and oxygen reduction reaction(ORR)is significant for direct
薇菜白粉病是近年在鄂西地区发现的一种新病害 .调查表明 ,该病害每年有两次发病高峰 ,分别在5月上、中旬和 7月中、下旬 ,其发生程度与光照、经营水平等因素有关 .光照、温
就木亡果成熟的生理生化、木亡果贮藏保鲜技术及利用分子生物学技术培育耐藏木亡果品种的研究进展进行了综述 A review was made on the research progress of ripening phy