
来源 :当代体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuwutu
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自十八世纪中叶以来,欧洲一些资本主义国家把体操与军事训练结合起来,使体操运动逐渐活跃,相继出现了世界体操四大学派:德国体操、瑞典体操、捷克《天鹰体操》和丹麦体操.这些不同学派的体操各具特色,各自标新立异,推动了现代体操的进一步发展.如:德国体操和《天鹰体操》提倡以机械体操为主,发展人的力量和意志.《天鹰体操》还注重体操的理论研究,并首创了机械体操动作分类法,对形成和发展体操的完整概念有一定的作用.瑞典体操以教育体操和医疗体操最具特色.操练强调动作对称和静止姿势,对保健和矫正姿势有良好作用.但练习顺序固定而呆板,不得任意改动,缺乏节奏、柔软和兴趣感,故被人称之为“摆姿势”的体操. Since the middle of the 18th century, some capitalist countries in Europe have combined gymnastics with military training to gradually increase their gymnastics. Four major schools of world gymnastics have emerged: the German Gymnastics, the Swedish Gymnastics, the Czech “Skyhawk Gym” and the Danish Gymnastics The gymnastics of these different schools have their own characteristics and their own uniqueness and promote the further development of modern gymnastics such as the German gymnastics and the “Eagle Gymnastics” advocating the development of human strength and will with the emphasis on mechanical gymnastics. “Eagle Gymnastics” But also pay attention to the theoretical research of gymnastics and pioneered the classification of mechanical gymnastics action to the formation and development of a complete concept of gymnastics has a certain effect.European gymnastics gymnastics and gymnastics gymnastics with the most characteristic.Exercises emphasize the action symmetry and resting position, Health and corrective posture have a good effect.But the practice order is fixed and rigid, can not be arbitrarily changed, the lack of rhythm, softness and sense of interest, it is called “pose ” gymnastics.
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主席、各位代表: 我是过去被人称为“穷棒子社”的王国藩。今天我想谈谈的就是原先的一帮“穷棒手”怎样在党的领导下,自力更生、靠自己的双手艰苦奋斗,从三条驢腿发展到今
目的 :观察延长乏氧和再氧合对细胞周期进程及其辐射存活的影响。方法 :①细胞培养 :将NHIK3025人宫颈癌细胞株在含有15%小牛血清的最低必需培养基中培养。②乏氧处理 :将培养皿置于氧
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好手云集 中国夺冠 ’95精英亚洲杯团体赛于12月22日至12月24日在上海市静安体育馆举行。来自韩国、中国台北、香港、印度、马来西亚、澳大利亚和东道主中国等7个国家和地区
自九十年代以来,随着市场经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,体育产业在浙江省温州市异军突起,形成了一定规模的产业经济,表现出巨大的市场潜力和强劲的发展势头。 Since the
大地队在测绘部门来讲,既不同于领导机关,又不同于科学研究机关和教学单位,它直接担负着国家交给的测量任务,因而具有和生产单位同样的性质,所以大地队的中心任务是生产管理。 In