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缤纷如雨、娇艳欲滴——日本的樱花之美世人皆知。春意融融的3月底4月初,是来日本赏樱花的最好季节,这时日本的原野与庭园都被妩媚的樱花点缀得分外悦目。据说日本国内共有超过340种的樱花,而各种樱花亦会因其耐寒能力、地方气候等,开花时间会有迟有早。不过只要是春天一到,日本便变成了一个“樱花世界。”日本人认为樱花热烈、纯洁、高尚,日本政府则把每年的3月15日至4月15日定为“樱花节”。其实日本很早就有了赏樱花的活动,据说历史上的第一次赏樱大会是9世纪的嵯峨天皇主持举行的。当初,赏樱只是在权贵间盛行,到江户时代(1603—1867年)才普及到平民百 Colorful, tender and beautiful - the beauty of Japanese cherry is known to all. The end of March and the beginning of April are the best seasons for cherry blossoms coming to Japan. At that time, Japanese wilderness and gardens have been decorated with charming cherry trees and scored extravagantly. It is said that there are over 340 kinds of cherry blossoms in Japan, and all kinds of cherry blossoms will be late for early flowering due to their cold resistance and local climate. But as soon as spring comes, Japan has become a “sakura world.” Japanese believe that the cherry is warm, pure and noble, while the Japanese government sets March 15 to April 15 as the “Cherry Blossom Festival.” In fact, Japan has long been a cherry-viewing activities, it is said that the history of the first cherry-viewing assembly is presided over by the 9th Century Emperor Sakai held. At first, cherry blossoms were prevalent among elites, until the Edo period (1603 - 1867)
近 2 0年 ,人们认为早发的冠心病是系统性红斑狼疮 (SLE)患者疾病状态和死亡率的主要决定困素 .对类风湿性关节炎 (RA)患者 ,虽然有同样的事实却难以作出正确评价 .这两种自身免疫
The SF radical and its singly charged cation and anion, SF+and SF-, have been investigated on the MRCI/aug-ccp VX Z(X = Q, 5, 6) levels of theory with Davidson
xuanguozi@gma il.com问:我的女儿3个月大,最近几天我们发现她的阴道口出现溃疡,一碰就痛,有指甲大小。请问,这是怎么回事?如何处理才好?杨明洁大夫答:这种情况需要鉴别是阴
Synthesis of telechelic trans-1,4-polyisoprenes(TPI: trans-structure > 95%) was evaluated based on two different methods of oxidative cleavage(indirect cleavage
金坑,位于桂北高原都庞岭、越城岭山脉之中,独特的自然环境,多资多情的红瑶姑娘,巧夺天公的梯田神韵,像一幅画卷,神奇、美丽、纯净、壮观。 边走边拍 Jin Hang, located in
怀胎十月,胎盘是腹中的胎儿通过其向妈妈索取生长发育所需营养物质的重要器官。当妈妈分娩后,胎盘随着胎儿娩出,它的使命也至此完成,而结束使命之后的胎盘究竟该何去何从? P
骨质疏松症是一种慢性、骨质衰老的代谢性疾病。过去一直认为妇女更年期后 ,雌激素水平下降是骨质丢失的主要机理。虽然雌激素降低是这种疾病流行的因素之一 ,但业已证实 ,许