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这是来自天山北部的奎屯市水泥厂,以传统的自力更生艰苦奋斗精神与现代开拓进取意识相结合,以科技和务实兴厂,走无污染水泥生产企业之路,从而使企业边建设边生产迅速崛起的一篇专题报道。今天,当我国经济发展战略西移,欠发达的西部地区正在逐渐成长为开发建设热点时,也正是建材市场再度升温,形成品牌上、质量上、价格上、广告上的竞争白热化的时刻,地处新疆首府乌鲁木齐卡子湾水泥厂以高瞻远瞩的科学决策,历经千难而不复的进取精神与挥血洒泪般的励精图治,在北疆经济圈中心奎屯市建起了一座年产水泥10万吨的水泥厂,从而演绎出了一批有着高度使命感和责任心的企业领导与职工艰苦创业和人生辉煌的历程。于是记者探寻的目光,定格在“金三角”地区最大的无污染企业——兵团卡子湾水泥厂奎屯水泥分厂。奎屯水泥厂位于该市南环路81号,紧邻312国道,与石油化工基地独山子和北疆重镇乌苏市隔路相望。就是这个得天独厚的交通和市场优势。促使该厂以传统的自力更生艰苦奋斗精神与现代开拓进取意识相结合,在1997 This is a cement factory in the north of the Tianshan Mountains. It combines the traditional spirit of self-reliance and hard work with the spirit of pioneering and enterprising. It uses science and technology to build factories and take the road of non-pollution cement production enterprises, so that enterprises can build quickly while building. The rise of a special report. Today, when China’s economic development strategy moves westwards, and the underdeveloped western region is gradually growing up as a hot spot for development and construction, it is also the time for the building materials market to heat up again, creating a fierce competition in brand, quality, price, and advertising. Located in Xinjiang’s capital, Urumqi Kaziwan Cement Plant, with its far-sighted scientific decision-making, and through hard-headed enterprising spirits and tears, the company has built an annual output of 100,000 tons of cement in the center of the northern economic circle, Kuitun City. The cement factory has thus interpreted a group of business leaders and employees with high sense of mission and responsibility who have made arduous pioneering efforts and brilliant lives. As a result, the reporter’s eyes were fixed on the KyuTun Cement Plant, the largest non-pollution company in the “Golden Triangle” area. Kuitun Cement Factory is located at No. 81 Nanhuan Road in the city, close to the 312 national highway, and faces the Dushanzi petrochemical base and Wusu City, a major city in northern Xinjiang. It is this unique advantage of transportation and market. To promote the plant’s traditional spirit of self-reliance and arduous struggle combined with modern pioneering and progressive awareness in 1997
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