
来源 :高等学校化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyf1122
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With Bu_4NBr as phase-transfer agent, the monovacant polyoxometalates α-Xn+W_11O(12-n)-_39(X=P, Si, B, Ga) reacted in acetonitrile with electrophilic C_6H_5P(S)Cl_2 to yield hybrid organic-inorganic species [C_6H_5P(S)]_2XW_11O(8-n)-_39 in satisfactory yield, which have been characterized by elemental analyses, IR and 31P, 183W NMR. The formulation of all tetrabutylammonium salts of [C_6H_5P(S)]_2·XW_11(8-n)-O_39 are in agreement with the results of elemental analyses, the hybrid anion consists of an α-Xn+W_11O(12-n)-_39 framework on which are grafted two C_6H_5P(S) groups through P_O_W bridges. The spectroscopic data show that the [PhP(S)]_2XW_11O(8-n)-_39 compounds possess true C_s symmetry in acetonitrile and remain unsaturated. With Bu_4NBr as phase-transfer agent, the monovacant polyoxometalates α-Xn + W_11O (12-n) -_39 (X = P, Si, B, Ga) reacted in acetonitrile with electrophilic C_6H_5P (S) Cl_2 to yield hybrid organic-inorganic The formulation of all tetrabutylammonium salts of [C_6H_5P (S)] _ 2 · XW_11 (8-n) -_39 in satisfactory yields, which have been characterized by elemental analyzes, IR and 31P, 183W NMR (8-n) -O_39 are in agreement with the results of elemental analyzes, the hybrid anion consists of an α-Xn + W_11O (12-n) -_ 39 framework on which are grafted two C_6H_5P (S) groups through P The phosphoscopic data show that the [PhP (S)] _2XW_11O (8-n) -_ 39 compounds possess true C_s symmetry in acetonitrile and remain unsaturated.
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