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美苏对抗与争夺及由此而导致的东西方冷战始于本世纪40年代中,而终于1989年至1990年间。在冷战背景下,随着科技的进步,美苏两大国,出于各自战略利益的考虑,把宇宙空间变为它们继海、陆、空之后的另一个范围更加广阔的战略竞争与争夺场所。尤其是在SO年代初,随着里根政府推出“高边疆”战略及其“星球大战”计划,以同苏联在军事、经济和由此所反映的政治等领域一决雌雄后,大国,主要是美苏,在空间领域的竞争,一时达到了冷战时期的最高潮。可以认为,自此以后,大国加速对天疆的开拓曾一时对世界经济、 The confrontation and scramble between the United States and the Soviet Union and the resulting Cold War between East and West began in the mid-40s of this century and finally between 1989 and 1990. In the context of the Cold War, with the advancement of science and technology, the United States and the Soviet Union, for the sake of their own strategic interests, have turned the space of the universe into a wider range of strategic competition and competition after sea, land and air. Especially in the beginning of the SO decade, following the Reagan administration’s launch of the “High Frontier” strategy and its “Star Wars” plan, and with the Soviet Union’s determination in the military, the economy, and the politics that it reflected, the big countries are mainly The United States and the Soviet Union, the competition in the field of space, reached the height of the Cold War period. It can be argued that since then, the great powers have accelerated the development of the heavens and valleys for a while to the world economy,
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孟山都公司于1901年创立于美国圣路易斯,最初主要生产化工产品并获得了举世瞩目的成就。 50年代末期,孟山都公司注意到,杂草、害虫和病害每年给美国带来约130亿美金的损失。