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中国·金纺文化节期间,由中国纺织工业协会新闻中心、中国纺织工业协会传媒中心、广东省服装服饰行业协会联合举办,《中国纺织》杂志社、广州国际轻纺城承办的“中纺圆桌·专业市场国际论坛”成为一大亮点。中纺圆桌作为纺织行业高端论坛的代表之一,已逐渐在行业中发展成一种品牌论坛,这次南下深入广州,无疑也成了中国·金纺文化节的一大亮点。本次论坛以“创新型专业市场与国际化借鉴”为主题,邀请了数位国内外资深专业人士发表演讲和对话,他们分别就意大利、法国、韩国等国纺织服装产业发展经验、对我国产业提升和专业市场发展的借鉴作用及与我国企业的商业机会;建设创新型专业市场及专业市场发展创新路径;如何突破发展瓶颈,企业对策及措施选择等热点问题展开了全面探讨和对话。出席本次论坛的发言嘉宾有:意大利对外贸易委员会驻北京办事处副代表玛卡琳娜,品牌战略专家、法国纺织服装研究院(IFTH)顾问奥博利·马蒂,韩国纤维开发研究院本部长曹大铉,国务院发展研究中心市场经济研究所副所长王微,中国商业联合会副秘书长、中华全国商业信息中心主任王耀,中国纺织信息中心主任、中国流行色协会常务副会长孙瑞哲,中国服装设计师协会副主席、亚洲时尚联合会中国委员会主席团主席张肇达。本刊总编辑孙淮滨主持的专题对话,更将论坛带向了高潮。 During the Jinpeng Cultural Festival in China, the “China Textile Roundtable” organized by China Textile Industry Association Press Center, Media Center of China Textile Industry Association, Guangdong Garment and Clothing Industry Association, “China Textile” magazine and Guangzhou International Textile City · International Forum of Professional Markets has become a major highlight. As one of the representatives of the high-end forum of the textile industry, China Textile Roundtable has gradually developed into a brand forum in the industry. This time going deep into Guangzhou, it undoubtedly became a highlight of China’s Jinfang Culture Festival. With the theme of “Innovative Professional Market and Internationalization”, the forum invited several senior professionals both at home and abroad to deliver speeches and dialogues. They talked about the development experience of textile and garment industry in Italy, France and South Korea and the promotion of China’s industry And the development of professional markets and the business opportunities with our business opportunities; building innovative professional market and professional market development and innovation path; how to break through the bottleneck in development, business strategy and the choice of measures and other hot issues launched a comprehensive discussion and dialogue. Speakers at the forum were: Markelina, Deputy Representative of Italian Trade Commission in Beijing, Brand Strategy Expert, Aubrey Marty, Consultant, French Institute of Textile and Apparel (IFTH), Head of Korea Fiber Research and Development Institute Wang Wei, Deputy Director General, Institute of Market Economy, Development Research Center, State Council Wang Yao, Deputy Secretary General, China Chamber of Commerce, Director of China National Business Information Center Wang Yao, Director of China Textile Information Center, Sun Ruizhe, Executive Vice President of China Fashion Color Association, Zhang Zhaoda, Vice Chairman of China Fashion Association and Chairman of the Presidium of the China Fashion Federation of Asia Fashion Association. Our chief editor Sun Huaibin presided over the topic of dialogue, but also brought the Forum to the climax.
Ⅰ.词汇。根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,完成单词。1.His grandmother is ill in h_________. I. Vocabulary. Complete the word based on sentence meaning and initials o
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