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抗日战争时期,敌后根据地的新闻出版印刷工作者,历尽千难万险克服重重困难,神奇般地编印出版大量抗日报刊和图书,成为打击敌人,消灭敌人的重要武器之一。而我们的印刷厂,也成为了敌人主要的搜查追捕对象,当时敌后印刷厂工作主要有三个难题:一是准确及时地了解和掌握敌人的“扫荡”信息;二是发现敌情后,如何迅速、安全地掩埋机器、转移人员;三是如何克服各种物质困难, During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the news publishing and printing workers in the enemy base areas, they had to make every effort to overcome numerous difficulties and miraculously print and publish a large amount of anti-Japanese newspapers and books. This became one of the important weapons for fighting against the enemy and for destroying the enemy. Our printing factory also became the main target of the search and pursuit by the enemy. At that time, there were mainly three problems in the work of the enemy’s rear printing factory: one was to accurately and timely understand and grasp enemy’s “mopping up” information; the other was to find out how quickly, Safely bury the machine, transfer personnel; third is how to overcome various material difficulties,
借助休克尔分子轨道理论处理了CO_2、CO中的π键,引出了用休克尔理论处理AB_2型AB_3型无机共轭分子的一般方法. The π bond in CO_2 and CO has been treated by the Hookell molecular orb
《中国药典》2 0 0 0版二部卡托普利片检查项下卡托普利二硫化物含量检测在实际操作中难以达到该法规定的系统适用性等技术要求 ,本文采用卡托普利原料药项下流动相同法操作
今年,黑龙江省计划建设标准化乡镇卫生院60家、标准化村卫生室500家,培训各类基层卫生人员2.8万人,同时,投入2 700余万元为300家中心乡镇卫生院配备急救车辆。该省省长王宪魁
Objective:To evaluate the in vitro antibacterial properties and the ability to potentiate some common antibiotics effects of the methanol extracts of 11 Cameroo