夯实发展基础 托起绿色希望——甘肃省庆阳市林木种苗事业发展纪实

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进入21世纪以来,甘肃省庆阳市林木种苗事业坚持以规范种苗执法,提高质量意识,强化行业管理,服务广大林农,推动产业升级,确保林业发展为目标,以科技进步为动力,以优化树种结构为手段,以改善投资环境为出发点,各项工作取得了可喜成绩,先后有多人多次受到过国家、省、市、县和本单位的表彰和嘉奖,市林木种苗站也多次受到上级的表彰和奖励。 Since entering the 21st century, Qingyang City, Gansu Province, tree seedling business adhere to the law to regulate seedlings, improve quality awareness, strengthen industry management, serve the majority of forest farmers, promote industrial upgrading, to ensure forestry development as the goal, science and technology as the driving force to Optimize the structure of trees as a means to improve the investment environment as a starting point, the work has made gratifying achievements, there have been many people many times by the national, provincial, city, county and the unit’s recognition and commendation, the city forest seedling station also Many times by the higher recognition and rewards.
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