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话不多但知识渊博,个不高但执法严格,他就是江苏无锡边检站执勤业务二科科长夏修春。大学毕业后学习朝鲜语专业的他怀着一腔报国热情参军,成为空港口岸的一名边防检查员。多年来,他凭着自己刻苦钻研的精神,成为全省边检业务方面的岗位能手,连续三次在全省边检业务知识竞赛科长类比赛中荣获第一名,荣立个人三等功1次,获得“无锡市青年技术能手”“江苏省口岸先进个人”和全国边检提高边检服务水平先进个人等荣誉称号。2005年,刚刚大学毕业的夏修春经过半年的边检技能培训后,正式踏上 Without saying much, but knowledgeable, not high but strict enforcement, he is Jiangsu Wuxi Frontier Inspection Station on duty two chief Xia Xiuchun. After graduating from university specializing in Korean language, he enjoyed the enthusiasm of serving the country with the military and became a frontier defense inspector at the airport port. Over the years, with his dedication to study, he has become the province’s border inspection business posts expert, three consecutive times in the province’s border business knowledge contest section chiefs won the first prize, the establishment of personal third-class work 1 Times and won the honorary title of “Wuxi Young Technological Expert”, “Advanced Individual at the Port of Jiangsu Province” and the State Border Inspection to Enhance the Frontier Inspection Service and Advanced Individuals. In 2005, Xia Xiuchun, who just graduated from university, formally stepped in after six months of border check skill training
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小奇同学: 你来信说,你爱读书,也爱动笔,所以进入中学之后,曾经萌生过当一名作家的念头。可是经过近一个学期的努力,你写的作文即便在班里也不能显山露水,更别说在报刊上发
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