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我们处在一个信息爆炸的时代,许多人每天睁开眼晴的第一件事就是查看手机上的信息或自己向朋友圈发一条微信,我们在接受信息享受信息的同时也在制造信息。信息在周转中成十倍百倍千倍地繁衍,信息垃圾也在不断膨胀,难怪我们更多的体会是,来自四面八方的信息太多,太杂,太汹涌,我们无力分辨,无从选择,从而深陷信息的沼泽地里不可自拔。主动接受信息享受信息是愉快的,反之遭受信息轰炸就没有那么舒服了。可在我们 We are in an era of information explosion. The first thing many people open their eyes every day is to look at the information on their cell phones or send a WeChat to their friends by themselves. We accept the information and make the information at the same time. It is no wonder that more of our experience is that information from all directions is too much, too complicated and too turbulent. We can not distinguish between them and we have no choice but to deepen our understanding. Trapped in the marsh of information can not extricate themselves. Take the initiative to receive information to enjoy the information is pleasant, on the contrary suffer the bombing of information is not so comfortable. Available from us
作者报告1例可能是由静脉输注免疫球蛋白(IVIG)引起的无菌性脑膜炎.一个9岁男孩以鼻衄和呕血1d入院.体格检查:除腭部瘀点外余无异常.血象:Hb99g/L.WBC7.2×10~9/L,(N 0.24,L
母羊驼香吐斜躺在地上,光洁的鼻吻皱得像枚苦瓜,秀气的眼睛蒙着一层泪水,看得出来,哺乳已变得像是一场酷刑,它疼痛难忍。  母羊驼香吐是个很称职的母亲,除了进食饮水,总是把小豹崽揽在怀里,一遍又一遍舔吻小家伙的皮毛。大羊驼习惯站立,就是睡觉,也是跪卧在地,侧躺的姿势对大羊驼来说肯定很不舒服,可它为了方便小豹崽吃奶,坚持侧躺,表现出让人钦佩的牺牲精神。  那天夜晚,老天爷大发淫威,好端端繁星闪烁晴朗的夜
Aim:To evaluate the effect of neutral sulfate berberine on cardiac function,tumornecrosis factor α(TNF-α)release,and intracellular calcium concentration([Ca~
Aim:To investigate the protective role of iptakalim,a novel ATP sensitive potas-sium channel opener,on global cerebral ischemia-evoked insult in gerbils andglu