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<正> The generalized Padé rational approximation is one of the effective methods of rational function approximation. Now we shall give the limit property of the modified-generalized Padé rational approximation.
随着高考科目设置的改革 ,自2002年起 ,全国绝大多数省区已采取语文、数学、外语三门加综合测试的“3 +综合”的高考模式。那么 ,仍以“3 +1”模式为主的上海高考历史卷 ,如何在特殊
在数学竞赛试题中,都有应用最小公倍数来解决相遇问题和余数相关的总数问题,现笔者略举几例加以说明. 一、与余数相关的问题 In the math contest questions, the least co
前列腺联合部切开治疗前列腺增生症张英杰,袁九银,王栋,窦启锋,常连胜,秦维康近年来前列腺增生症(benignprostatichypertrophy,BPH)的治疗方法较多,其共同的目的是改善患者排尿障碍。1986年Shafik[1]首先报告应用前列... Prostat
<正> The multi-hologram method is the basic method for holographic measurement of multi-dimensional (2-D or 3-D) displacement. Some single-hologram methods for
问题如图1,在△ABC 中,∠BAC= 45°,AD⊥BC于 D,BD=3,DC=2,求AD. 本题虽小,但题目条件简洁明了,且问题内涵丰富,因此细细咀嚼,思路广,趣味浓,值得探究.下面从五个方面予以说
例直线l:y=-1/2x+2与椭圆(x2)/(a2)+(y2)/(b2)=1交于A、B两点,O为坐标原点,M为线段AB的中点.若|AB|=5~(1/2),直线OM的斜率为1/2,求椭圆的方程. The straight line l:y=-1/2
<正> It is a well-known fact that in the spaee of elliptic modular forms the orthogonal complement of the subspace of cusp forms with respect to the Petersson i
<正> We wish to report the discovery of a probable noetidiurnal growth rhythm of filamentous cyanophytes from black cherts of the e. 1400—1500 m.y. old Gaoyuzh
<正> Low-temperature resistivity anomalies were observed in many amorphous materials. The experimental data arc very useful for exploring the electronic transpo