
来源 :北京舞蹈学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ch32918
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北京舞蹈学院是我国唯一的舞蹈高等学府,是我国培养舞蹈高级人才最重要的基地。在过去的十几年间,为改变我国舞蹈界的知识结构和提升舞蹈艺术的文化品位做出了卓有成效的贡献。随着社会主义市场经济观念的确立,舞蹈的艺术市场也在逐步发生变化——由原来的剧场表演艺术拓展到电视文化、歌舞厅文化、旅游文化、企业文化等多种艺术市场之中。一方面,是舞蹈艺术活动范围的拓展;另一方面,是某些社会职业对人体美、仪态美的需求拓展了舞蹈形体训练的圈地,如时装模特、公关礼仪等。与此同时,人民大众的自我形体美育和消闲、社交舞蹈也随着物质生活的小康而提上了日程,并且出现了竞技性倾向——如健美韵律操和国际标准舞就是如此。这种种变化说明社会对舞蹈人才的需求更趋于多样化了。 Beijing Dance Academy is the only institution of higher learning in China and the most important base for training high-level dance talents in our country. In the past ten years, we have made fruitful contributions to changing the knowledge structure of our dance world and enhancing the cultural quality of dance art. With the establishment of the concept of socialist market economy, the dance art market is also gradually changing - from the original theatrical performance art to television art, song and dance hall culture, tourism culture, corporate culture and other art market. On the one hand, it is the expansion of the scope of dance art activities; on the other hand, the demand of some social occupations for human beauty and good manners has expanded the enclosure of dance figure training such as fashion models and public relations manners. At the same time, people’s self-physical aesthetic education and leisure and social dance are also on the agenda with the well-being of material life, and there are competitive tendencies - such as bodybuilding aerobics and international standard dance. This kind of change shows that the society’s demand for dance talent tends to be more diversified.
折光法用于制剂含量测定有简便快速、节约试剂、重现性好、易于掌握等优点,与容量法、紫外法等进行测定对比,经 t 值检验无显著性差异,说明其准确度完全可以达到医院药 Ref
以色列Tel Aviv大学研制出一种可以治疗和预防局部感染而不产生副作用的粘性抗生素.自70年代起,科学家一直试图制造一种用于治疗局部感染的粘性抗生素,但此次却是偶然发现的
溴醋己烷雌酚治疗绝经期后晚期乳腺癌25例,3例CR,5例PR。缓解率32%。平均缓解期6mo。主要不良反应为阴道出血,25例中见到9例,其中4例因量多被迫停药。 25 patients with adva
本文用2.6-二氯吲哚酚法测定了抗坏血酸在含氨茶碱、维生素 B_6、氯化钾或氢化可的松的5%葡萄糖输液中的稳定性。证明抗坏血酸与氨茶碱因 pH 增高而变黄,不宜配伍。 In this