Collaborative Research Design System

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiantanghao001
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Collaborative research design system(CRDS)is one of the basic conditions for the successful completion of CFR600 design.It will build a solid base for the realization of fast reactor R&D design to the direction of“batch design capability and brand formation”.The platform integrates the software(method),standard,specification and experience related to fast reactor design by technical means of Collaborative research design system (CRDS) is one of the basic conditions for the successful completion of CFR600 design. It will build a solid base for the realization of fast reactor R & D design to the direction of “batch design capability and brand formation.” The platform integrates the software (method), standard, specification and experience related to fast reactor design by technical means of
There are highly requirements for the safety of transportation package of radioactive material.For B package,it must pass through the 9mfree dropping test under
串列加速器升级工程100 MeV强流回旋加速器引出的质子能量范围为75~100 MeV,引出方式为碳膜剥离的双向引出。2014年7月,基于第一套北向剥离靶系统引出了75~100 MeV质子束,并
CYCIAE-100是一台紧凑型强流质子回旋加速器,加速负氢粒子,束流强度为200μA,能量范围为75~100 MeV。束流引出系统主要由剥离靶构成,加速到引出能量的负氢粒子束将通过剥离膜
常用的剂量率仪主要针对能量在50 keV以上的强贯穿γ射线,本项目研制的基于碲锌镉探测器新场所辐射剂量率仪的能量范围为20 keV~2 MeV,剂量率范围在几十nSv到几十mSv之间。能