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冲裁涂覆无机绝缘涂层的硅钢片时,在毛刺高度符合要求的前提下,增加冲裁次数是企业的研究重难点。基于生产过程中冲裁次数与毛刺高度的密切关系,通过对厚度0.5 mm、直径Ф5 mm表面涂覆无机绝缘层的硅钢片,使用模具间隙0.025 mm、工作零件材料为Cr12Mo V的模具进行冲裁实验,将实验数据进行统计分析,拟合出一定条件下冲裁次数与毛刺高度的数学模型。然后对有、无润滑两种情况冲裁后凸模、凹模和产品断面磨损情况的分析,得到在满足毛刺高度不增加的前提下,使用机油和丁黄蜡混合润滑的方法来提高冲裁次数,企业通过生产实践证明效果良好。 Blasting inorganic insulating coating coated silicon steel sheet, the burr height meet the requirements of the premise, increasing the number of blanking is the study of enterprises difficult. Based on the close relationship between the number of blanking times and the height of burrs in the manufacturing process, the die with the thickness of 0.5 mm and the diameter of Ф5 mm on the surface is coated with a silicon steel sheet with an inorganic insulating layer, punched with a mold clearance of 0.025 mm and a working part material of Cr12MoV Experiments, the experimental data for statistical analysis, fitting under certain conditions, the number of blanking and burr height mathematical model. Then, with and without lubrication after punching punching die, die and product section of the wear analysis, get to meet the burr height is not increased under the premise of the use of oil and Ding Huang wax mixed lubrication method to improve the number of blanking , Enterprises through production practice proved effective.
以空心异型铝型材为例,用Pro/E软件建立了分流组合模的几何模型。运用拉格朗日-欧拉算法Hyper Xtrude有限元软件对空心异型铝型材挤压成形过程进行了数值模拟,提出空心异型铝
研究了铈含量和热处理工艺对原位合成Al-15Mg_2Si-Si复合材料组织与性能的影响规律。结果表明:未变质时,Al-15% Mg_2Si-Si复合材料中初生Mg_2Si呈粗大的树枝状;加入Ce变质剂
为了解网吧空气卫生质量,我们于2001年2月对潍坊市辖区内的21家网吧,在开场前、中场、终场前30 min进行监测。监测指标为空气中的CO、CO2、可吸入性颗粒物(IP)、甲醛、细菌总数
对梨卷叶象甲的形态特征及生物学特性进行了分析,提出了防治方法,并对防治效果进行了分析。 Morphological characteristics and biological characteristics of C. elegans