传文明圣火 为扶贫添力——省财政厅、省科协组织专家深入安化送科技

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9月17日至20日,省财政厅、省科协组织水果、水产、蔬菜、食品加工、医疗保健专家一行47人赴国家级贫困县安化送科技下乡,为安化扶贫攻坚再添一把力。从18日开始,专家组成四个小分队深入安化县东坪、柘溪、梅城、马路等乡镇为群众开展现场科技咨询和科普宣传。20 September 17 to 20, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Association for Science and Technology, fruit, aquatic products, vegetables, food processing, health care experts and 47 went to the state-level poverty-stricken county security technology to the countryside for the security poverty alleviation tackle added A force. Starting from the 18th, experts formed four detachments to go deep into the villages and towns such as Dongping, Suixi, Meicheng and roads in Anhua County to conduct on-site scientific and technological consultation and popular science propaganda for the masses. 20
 国际清算银行认为,除非其它地区的经济高速增长,否则美国经济将面临硬着陆的危险。 巨大的财政赤字、居高不下的私人债务和较低的储蓄率已使得美国目前的经济面临很大不平衡,
【摘要】通过对灌区水利信息自动化进行介绍,包括灌区各级水利调度中心、现地PLC控制系统、各类水情水文的采集、视频监控系统和无线及有线通信系统5方面内容,为灌区水利自动化发展提供参考。  【关键词】灌区 水利信息自动化  【中图分类号】TV697.2 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-5158(2013)04-0238-01  近年来,在中央“关于实现农业现代化”的号召下,各级政府机构对农业水
The sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, is a complex species, and many of its biotypes are important agricultural pests. The B and Q biotypes are invasive an
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Using the reaction of Ar(3Po,2) + PCl3 as a source of PCl(b1 +), we have measured the quenching rate constants of PCl(b,v’=0) for more than 20 quenchers. The
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