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指示:各财经企业单位、市专财委根据中央人民政府政务院一九五○年十月三日颁布的「机关国营企业合作社签订合同契约暂行办法」结合我省二年来执行合同情况,为保证一九五三年开始之大规模计划经济建设之贯彻,继续推行合同制与提高合同的质量,应视为完成计划经济的重要条件之一。为此对今后签订合同特作如下指示:第一、凡属于人民银行现金管理之国公营企业、合作社企业、相互之间在一定期限内完成重要业务行为者,如借贷、代理收付、买卖、定制物、委托收售、委托加工定货、包销产品、委托运输、建筑修缮、合资经营等,应通过人民银行之分支机构,订立三角合同,以人民银行之 Directing: According to the “Provisional Measures for Signing Contract Contracts by State-owned Cooperatives of State-owned Enterprises” promulgated by the Central Government Government on October 3, 1950 in conjunction with the implementation of the contract in our province in the past two years, The implementation of large-scale planned economic construction starting from 1935, the continuous implementation of the contract system and the improvement of the quality of the contract should be regarded as one of the important conditions for the completion of the planned economy. To this end the signing of the contract for the future special for the following instructions: First, all the people’s Bank of cash management of state-owned enterprises, cooperative enterprises, within a certain period of time between the completion of important business activities, such as lending, agency payment, trading, Custom goods, entrusted sales, commission processing orders, underwriting products, commissioned transportation, construction repairs, joint ventures, etc., should be through the branches of the People’s Bank, entered into a triangular contract to the People’s Bank of
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昆明市官渡区交通局原局长周绍明在修建昆曲高速公路官渡区境内2公里长的路段中,贪污公款40多万元、滥用职权给国家造成重大经济损失60多万元。周绍明案发被查 Zhou Shaomi
在广告中说真话也会犯法?看来不可思议,你若不信,请看以下事实。败诉,源于不正当竞争 B地有甲,乙两家面包生产厂。1996年以来,乙厂在其面包包装袋正面中央印了一句“本面包
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