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目的调查睡眠打鼾与日间嗜睡对机动车驾驶员交通事故的影响。方法对2006年9月11-15日在北京市朝阳区亚运村验车场5个工作日内前来验车驾驶员进行现场问卷调查。结果共发放问卷1 002份,回收合格问卷988份。报告睡眠打鼾者133人,占13.50%;爱泼沃斯思嗜睡量表(Epworth Sleepiness Scale,ESS)评分≥9分者529人,占53.9%;报告曾发生追尾事故者346人,占35.02%;睡眠打鼾者与睡眠不打鼾者发生追尾事故分别为1.11次/人和0.62次/人,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);且随着睡眠打鼾年数的增加,ESS评分的增高,发生追尾事故人均次数也随之增加。结论睡眠打鼾且日间嗜睡者驾驶员发生交通事故风险较高,需进一步进行调查与干预。 Objective To investigate the effects of sleep snoring and daytime sleepiness on motor vehicle driver accidents. Methods On September 11-15, 2006, the driver of the vehicle inspection team was surveyed on site within 5 working days of the inspection yard of Asian Games Village, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Results A total of 1 002 questionnaires were distributed and 988 qualified questionnaires were returned. Reported sleep snoring 133 people, accounting for 13.50%; Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) score ≥ 9 points were 529, accounting for 53.9%; 346 cases were reported rear-end accidents occurred, accounting for 35.02% ; The number of rear-end accidents of sleep snorers and non-snorers were 1.11 / person and 0.62 / person respectively, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.01); and as the number of sleep snoring increased, the ESS score increased The number of rear-end accidents per capita also increased. Conclusions There is a high risk of traffic accidents during sleep snoring and daytime sleepy driver, which requires further investigation and intervention.
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