Experimental investigation of railway train-induced vibrations of surrounding ground and a nearby mu

来源 :Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arsenallei
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In this paper, a field experiment was carried out to study train-induced environmental vibrations. During the field experiment, velocity responses were measured at different locations of a six-story masonry structure near the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway and along a small road adjacent to the building. The results show that the velocity response levels of the environmental ground and the building floors increase with train speed, and attenuate with the distance to the railway track. Heavier freight trains induce greater vibrations than lighter passenger trains. In the multi-story building, the lateral velocity levels increase monotonically with floor elevation, while the vertical ones increase with floor elevation in a fluctuating manner. The indoor floor vibrations are much lower than the outdoor ground vibrations. The lateral vibration of the building along the direction of weak structural stiffness is greater than along the direction with stronger stiffness. A larger room produces greater floor vibrations than the staircase at the same elevation, and the vibration at the center of a room is greater than at its corner. The vibrations of the building were compared with the Federal Transportation Railroad Administration (FTA) criteria for acceptable ground-borne vibrations expressed in terms of rms velocity levels in decibels. The results show that the train-induced building vibrations are serious, and some exceed the allowance given in relevant criterion. In the paper, a field experiment was carried out to to train formation-induced environmental vibrations. During the field experiment, velocity responses were measured at different locations of a six-story masonry structure near the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway and along a small road adjacent to the building. The results show that the velocity response levels of the environmental ground and the building floors increase with train speed, and attenuate with the distance to the railway track. Heavier freight trains induce greater vibrations than lighter passenger trains. In the multi-story building the lateral velocity levels monitonically with floor elevation, while the vertical ones increase with floor elevation in a fluctuating manner. The indoor vibration is much lower than the outdoor ground vibrations. The lateral vibration of the building along the direction of weak structural stiffness is greater than along the direction with stronger stiffness. A larger room produces grea ter floor vibrations than the staircase at the same elevation, and the vibration at the center of a room is greater than at at corner. The vibrations of the building were compared with the Federal Transportation Railroad Administration (FTA) criteria for acceptable ground-borne vibrations expressed results of the train-induced building vibrations are serious, and some exceed the allowance given in relevant criterion.
本文详细论述了河南科技大学林业职业学院的校园景观总体规划理念和各个功能分区的布局特点,展示了一个特色鲜明、景观层次丰富、绿色生态的校园景观。 This paper discusse
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